Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day One

Well, my first day has come and gone. I'll never have another first day.

Until tomorrow, that is!

The school I'm at is on a modified block schedule, so tomorrow will be like another first day because I will be meeting all new students.

Still, it won't be the same. I don't think I'll be nearly as nervous.

Today was good! But tiring. Mostly because I wasn't really doing much. The World History classes were watching a Frontline video on China. It was really interesting but still difficult to watch the same documentary twice in one day. :-)

I am looking forward to a fun semester, though.

Despite being am a little intimidated by my mentor teacher. He is awesome and so full of knowledge!, I do think I will learn a lot from him; we should work quite well together.

Here are a few thoughts from my first day.
  • Dress in layers. i.e. wear a cardigan or sweater. I knew this would be the case, but still I chose to ignore it today. I usually get pretty warm when I'm in front of a group, but since I was mostly watching a movie today, I ended up pretty cold most of the day in my short sleeve top.
  • My first day's outfit.
  • Bring more food. I ate half my lunch as a snack during prep around 10:30am or so. I had to stop myself from eating more. I finished my lunch during lunch period, and I was pretty hungry by the time I got home. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't bring more food. Y'know, to aid my weight loss journey.
  • Teachers are master cryptographers. Most of the students in the two World History classes today had decent enough handwriting, but others are quite a stretch to decipher. I'm pretty pleased that there was only one whose writing I couldn't stumble through at. all.
Overall it was a great way to ease into teaching and my home for the next three months.

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  1. I'm so happy that it went well and that you are already feeling the nerves settle out. As I write this you are already deep into the day, turning heads in the hallways and keeping the kids on their toes as "The New Girl."

    Rule with an Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove and they will love you, as we all do.


  2. You learned a lot of good lessons on your first day! My advice is do as much as you can. If your mentor teacher will let you get up in front and teach/plan/grade, do it! It will pay off your first year of teaching. Even if you are nervous just go for it because you will learn so much. My mentor teacher pushed me to do things from day one and while I was cursing her at the time it was super helpful! Hope your second first day went well!

    1. Absolutely! I am trying to learn and do as much as possible. We are actually using a co-teaching model (hopefully more to come on that later), so I've been pretty active in the classroom already.

  3. How fun! I have no experience teaching at all, but it sounds like it went well.
