Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That wasn't so bad

If you read this post, you know that I am a heat person. I like hot sun, hot water, hot sandwiches. Okay, not really on the sandwiches. But sometimes I will get my Subway toasted. ;-)

Everything is better hot. Imo, of course.

As a runner, I've read numerous accounts of crazy-ass runners doing something unthinkable to me - taking an ICE BATH!


No way, am I ever going to voluntarily sink my body into a pool of ice. Unh-unh. But there are all these benefits... blah blah blah.

And then I read Ali's post about her first experience taking the plunge.

*cue over-dramatic music* THIS CHANGED MY LIFE! An ice bath can consist of cold water? No ice? Maybe that won't be so bad...

I couldn't get that post out of my head. When I went for a 12+ mile run on Sunday, the *gasp* thought of an ice bath really. kept. me. going.

Say, what?!

Yes, I kept daydreaming about sinking my legs into a bath tub filled with COLD water. Who is this girl??

When I got back, I started filling the tub with cold water while I did a few stretches. Now, our hot water had been turned off for some repairs the day before and had only been back on for a few hours. As the water was running, Jeff called to me.
Him: Don't you want to make sure there's hot water first?
Me: No, I'm just using cold water.
Him: Why?
Me: I'm taking an ice bath. Well, without the ice.
After stretching and once there was enough water in the tub, I slowly lowered myself down, down, down. I only cringed a little. It actually felt kind of good.

Seriously, who the hell is this girl?

I posted this to Instagram as proof.

First ever ice bath. Feels better than I'd have ever guessed. I might be sold. Next time I may actually add ice. Lol.

I was surprised how quickly I got accustomed to the temperature. Until I had to readjust my legs. Then the shock of the COLD would course through me again. BUT I LIKED IT!

Ok. So, maybe now I'm a *real* runner. I can foresee lots of ice cold water baths in my future. One day, I may even add ice...

I really do think it helped in my recovery, and it simply just felt good on my aching muscles.

Do you prefer Hot or Cold...anything...?
Have you ever taken an ice, or cold water, bath?

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  1. I've never done an ice bath before, but I've heard really good things.

    1. I had, too, but I didn't really believe it until I tried it. :)

  2. I love an ice bath. Instant relief!!!

  3. Congrats on your first icy experience!!

  4. I prefer ice first once I finish running and then warm therapy - yay for epsom baths!

    1. Well, obviously, I'm new to the whole ice thing, but YES I want to follow it up later with a soak in the hot tub. :D

  5. I love that your experience was so similar to mine :) thanks for the link up - I too was surprised at how fast my body grew accustom to the cold temps. Congrats :D

    1. Sometimes I would have wiggle, so I would know it was still cold water. LOL.

  6. I have recommended them, but not been brave enough to do it myself. Though I've done buckets of ice water (with real ice!) for feet, ankles, elbows, etc :)

    1. You recommend something you haven't tried? tsk tsk.

      Not sure I'm ready for real ice water, though. Not on any part of my body.

  7. I've never done an ice bath but I will take a cold shower if I don't have time to cool down before showering. At the lake I did get in the water after my 15 mile run and that water wasn't cold but it wasn't warm either. I think it did help my legs to recover quickly.

    1. I don't think I've ever been in a lake that wasn't super cold. :D I have jumped in a lake after a run a couple of times, but I never thought it qualified as an ice bath. Maybe it did!

  8. Glad to hear your first icy experience was a good one.

  9. I started taking cold water bathes after my long runs this Spring on the advice of a friend and the first one was tough (I wasn't smart enough to wear a sweatshirt) butt I was surprised how easy the second and third ones were. Between them and compression socks, my recovery time seemed to be cut way down. Hope they work for you. Good Luck!

    1. Glad to hear it works for you. I'm looking forward to more ice baths in my future. ;-) I've never tried compression socks, but hopefully one day...
