Friday, September 7, 2012

A Whole Lot of Nothing

Well, I've had plenty of time and opportunity to write up a post today. I've been on such a good streak with publishing something everyday that I didn't want to miss.

But I'm just wasn't feeling it.

I suppose that means I shouldn't write anything. Is it better to have nothing than to have some rambling, whiny drivel? Um. Maybe don't answer that.

I guess it's been kind of a feel sorry for Clarinda day. I spent most of the day puttering aimlessly about the Internet. No real goal. No real desire. The other large part of the day was spent in anticipation of a phone call or email regarding the interview I had on Monday. I was told they'd get back to me by the end of the week. No word doesn't necessary mean bad word, right? Right?

I also really want to increase my blog readership as well as my following on Twitter and FB, but I'm not entirely sure how to do that. I guess I've been kind of wondering what I can do to make my blog stick out. It seems like there are a lot of running blogs out there. What makes me and my adventures worth reading?

Speaking of running, my return went really well last week. I feel like I'm really finding my groove again - and really enjoying getting out there! Unfortunately, I've been eating like shit. Mostly because we're living off barely stocked cupboards - which doesn't include much in the way of fresh (or canned) fruits and veggies.

Have I mentioned I need a job? Or at least some kind of income? *sigh* Other than a few running recaps, I feel like I've mostly been complaining about my being unemployed. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer lately. I hate it, too.

The Fitness Cheerleader asked us about our favorite strength move. I don't really have one. As you probably know, I prefer cardio over strength training, so nothing really comes to mind as a favorite. Back when I had a gym membership, I do recall loving the V-Squat machine. I always felt strong and powerful using it.

All right. That's enough of that.

Tomorrow, I'm going for a 5-mile run and then to a doggie-friendly event at Springs Preserve. I've never been there before, and we're going with some friends and their pups, too. If you follow me on instagram (I'm enjoyingthecourse), I'm sure I'll be sharing some fun pics.

Here's to better a tomorrow!

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  1. TO get more followers on Twitter, just follow more people. Most follow back and you will slowly bump up your followers:) Have fun at the pup event and so glad your running groove is back!

  2. That run sounds fun - enjoy! And no word does not necessarily mean bad word. There are a ton of reasons they could have delayed. Keeping fingers crossed!
