Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week in Review - 3/05

Happy Sunday! Who doesn't love Sundays?! It's a great time to reflect on the past week and make plans for the next one.

If you stopped by for our coffee date yesterday, you'll know that I've decided to give up on my ultra training. I think I'll write a future post on all the reasons why, but it really boiled down to being too much too quickly. I'm pretty much OK with the decision. 😥

But you'll see that my plan for this past week wasn't at all what I ended up doing. LOL.

Week in Review - 03/05/17

Monday, 2/27

The Plan ↠ 2 mile Recovery Run + Benchmark
Reality  ↠ Yoga | 37 min
Still babying my knee, so no running or benchmark. Instead I did some yoga. Power Yoga with Crista Shillington: Fire It Up! This was kind of a faster paced practice than I'm used to, but she did throw in some different variations and interesting breathing exercises. Overall I really liked it - despite her overuse of please.

Tuesday, 2/28

The Plan ↠ NTC The Complete Cruch | 45 min
Reality ↠ Yoga | 33 min
Still feeling the yoga, so I opted for two gentle practices: Yoga for Mood Swings and 10-Minute Yoga For Self Care.

Wednesday, 3/01

The Plan ↠ Yoga + Core
Reality ↠ REST
I had an 8AM meeting, so I needed to really focus on leaving on time. 😊

Thursday, 3/02

The Plan ↠ 3 mile Tempo Run
Reality ↠ Yoga | 39 min
I thought something called Back to the Mat would be easy-ish, but this was a lot tougher than I imagined. I think it's more intended for someone who was an advanced yogi (or at least intermediate) that took a break and now is coming back to their practice. It was still a great time on the mat.

My Sallie girl got her stitches removed from her surgery a couple weeks ago, then she and Jeff stopped by my work to say hello. We moved offices about 9 months ago, but this was the first time that Jeff got to see the new offices.

Friday, 3/03

The Plan ↠ REST
Reality ↠ REST

Saturday, 3/04

The Plan ↠ 8-hour run, or at least 28 miles
Reality ↠ 4.5 mile bike ride | 0.5 mile run | 15 min yoga
Since ultra training is now out, I skipped the long-ass run and went on an easy bike ride with Jeff and Sallie, followed by a tiny run with Sallie while Jeff loaded the bikes back onto the car.

I also did Day 1 of a 30-day yoga challenge. It's one for beginners, which I think will be perfect for a little extra activity each day.

Sunday, 3/05

The Plan ↠ REST
Reality ↠ REST
But I'll do Day 2 of my yoga challenge later this evening.

DailyMile summary: February 27-March 05
February 27 - March 05

Clean It Out, Use it Up update

Week 9:  Beet Greens Pesto from the freezer, which I used to make vegetarian street tacos.

Not sure I'm ready to admit just how long that pesto was in my freezer. 😇 It was a big runnier than I remember, but the flavor was still so delicious! I sauteed some veggies in the pesto and threw them in some corn tortillas for a vegetarian street taco.

What was the highlight of your week last week?

I'm linking up today with Tricia & Holly for the Weekly Wrap as well as Angela for Sunday Fitness & Food.

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Pinterest → clarindad


  1. So would you recommend that Back to the Mat? I'm always looking for good yoga workouts to do at home.

    1. Yes, I would! It was tough for me, as she eased into some of the poses.

  2. I love the yoga every day idea...for a short period of time in the morning would be great- that way I wouldn't feel like I was doubling up my workouts, since they are nice and short!

    1. These videos all range from about 15-30 minutes; they get longer closer to the end. I hope they are just the addition I want. :-)

  3. I found tortellini in the fridge that said use or freeze by Feb. 28th. I froze it Saturday...

  4. I'm thinking I may need to try Yoga For Mood Swings. It couldn't hurt, right? I know it wasn't an easy decision for you to give up on your ultra training. But it will always be there when you decide the timing is right. I hope your knee improves soon. Sallie is adorable. Where is she when you ride bikes? Thanks for linking, Clarinda!

    1. She rides along in a pannier on the side of Jeff's bike. You can see a picture on Instagram. It's the 2nd pic in the post.

  5. Sallie is so cute! I'm sorry about the knee. Injuries are such a pain, literally & figuratively.

    My weeks haven't been terribly exciting lately. The highlight of last week was my long run & that dessert. :)

  6. Aww your baby is so dang cute! It looks like she is recovering from her surgery quite well. So happy looking!

  7. Sounds like a busy week, and the tacos look really good :)

  8. Sounds like a busy, but great week! So glad your pup is doing ok!! Thanks so much for linking up at Sunday Fitness & Food :-)
