Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weather, Cars, America

Today has been long.
I have been cranky.
Don't really feel like writing this post,


It is important to express gratitude,


even though I'm not particularly feeling it today,


I'm grateful it didn't rain on our camping trip last weekend.
We were a little concerned because it was forecasted to be a big storm with hail and everything. We didn't exactly feel good about sleeping in a tent in that weather.

On a similar note, I'm grateful for the beautiful sunshine.
Even though I spend my days inside with my back to the window, it's nice to know I can always turn around and see the sun shining.

I'm grateful my husband is picking me up from work today.
I'm just happy I don't have to walk to the shuttle. I'm just not feeling up to it.
Plus, he picked me up on Tuesday, and we got home 20 minutes before the shuttle even left Minneapolis to head to St Paul!

I'm grateful for the 4th of July.
And for the festivities that await me this weekend to celebrate:
Ward Picnic, Friends' BBQ, Dinner with Family, Picnic at Uncle Rodney's, Fireworks

What are you grateful for today? What are your holiday weekend plans?

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  1. It's good to be thankful, esp when we don't feel like it! I am thankful to be going home this weekend after a long trip! Stopping by from SITS.

  2. April, thanks for stopping by. Nothing beats home after a long trip! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  3. I was cranky today too... what gives? Today I am grateful for fat baby cheeks that I can squeeze and make farty noises with. It is pure delight.

  4. I've had 3 weeks of having to dig a little deeper to remember the things I'm grateful for, but somehow I always feel better after thinking of them. Great post!

  5. Tacy - Fat baby cheeks do sound delightful! Perhaps I could steal Fiona for a couple hours.

    Lara - Hopefully you won't have to continue to dig deep next week, too. 3 weeks is long enough!

  6. it's the dang gum humidity! :)
    i love your idea of gratitude on your blog ... you go girl! makes me think of our gratitude walks downtown! xoooox

  7. Oh, yes! I loved our gratitude walks. They were so fun! Incidentally, I walk by the Retek building every day and wish you still worked there.

  8. I'm so sorry you are feeling like I do. It's so miserable to be miserable! I hope today is a great day for you and that you have a super fun and relaxing weekend! Thanks for your comment!! You're the best!

  9. It's Friday, but thought I'd chime in...I'm grateful for my health, family and freedom. I'm grateful for all the men and women who sacrificed so much to allow me the freedom to say what I want, believe what I want and do what I want. God Bless America! Happy July 4th!
