Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One week

One week from today, I'll be a student teacher. My semester actually begins on Monday, but next Wednesday will be my first day in the classroom.

I still have some things to do to prepare.
Like read the student teaching manual.

Overall, I'm very excited.

But I have some concerns.
That are not at all teaching-related.

What will I wear? Technically, there is no dress code, but it is business casual. No jeans. My closet is a little pathetic right now and could easily go for a nice overhaul. Unfortunately, that just isn't in the budget.

What will I eat for lunch? My current office has a full kitchen - with an oven, stove, microwave, refrigerator. Can I bring my own lunch? Where will I store it? Will I have easy access to a microwave, or do I need to bring cold lunches? Where will I eat? Classroom? Teacher's lounge?

How will I stay hydrated? Sometimes I feel like I have the smallest bladder. The more water I drink, the more often I need to sneak away to the potty. I won't have the luxury of just heading to the bathroom whenever I like. I also can't shouldn't simply deprive myself of water, though.

Will I be able to get enough sleep at night? I already have poor sleeping habits. Will student teaching help me correct this or make it worse?

How will this affect my workouts? I begin training for Grandma's Marathon on Feb 13th. Will I be able to successfully focus on both? Will I be able to incorporate exercise into my daily routine and actually get more energy rather than have it zap my energy?

I know I'm largely needlessly worrying. Once I get started and into a routine, this post will seem silly.

But right now, I'm concerned.

Any lunch / hydration tips for me? How do you stop from needlessly worrying about the small things?

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  1. When I did my student teaching, I was terrified for all the same reasons. Totally warranted. Just go with the flow. Follow the lead of the teacher you're working with. I suggest eating in the teachers' lounge. I met some great people there and the support I received from other colleagues was great! Best wishes! I look forward to reading about your new adventure!

    1. Thanks, Courtenay. I'm glad I'm not crazy for worrying about these kinds of things. :-)

  2. I have no tips for dealing with lunch/hydration concern. Well, maybe bring a cold lunch the first day and only one bottle of water.

    As for needlessly worrying about the small things? That's what I do best...

    1. Thanks, Treva. I think I'll try to talk with my mentor teacher a little about these things at orientation on Monday. :-)

      Don't worry, be happy! Dang. I should have found an image of that for this post. *sigh*

  3. Good luck preparing and getting ready! You're going to be fine!

  4. Hang in there!
    Maybe once you get the daily routine down, you can time your water drinking for 20-30 minutes before your breaks! :) Those are all things I'd be worrying about, too.

  5. Oh Clara Sue.... You will be wonderful... But I u doers tans you worries. I still have those worries when I go to meetings, conferences, etc. My biggest advice is to ask questions and learn as much as you can. It will be tough, but yes you will have time to run... I am guessing that will be your stress relief. as for the clothes... I love Good Will. You can get three or four pants and some shirts and you will be set. Good luck!
