Sunday, January 22, 2012

SOC - Sunday Mornings

I'm linking up with Fadra's

Today’s Writing Prompt: How did you spend your Sunday mornings growing up? What are some of your favorite memories?

Most of the time Sunday mornings were filled with chaos as we all got ready for church. Luckily for us, church was only about a 15 minute drive, there were usually up to 7 people who needed to get ready and only two bathrooms. There was generally a feeling of rushing around trying to get showered, dressed, and breakfast eaten. It wasn't so bad. Church wasn't until 10am, so at least it was a little more time for sleeping in than during the week when we'd have to get up earlier to do all the same things in order to catch the school bus.

These were mornings with my mom.

On infrequent visits with my dad, I have many memories of pancakes on Sunday mornings. He wasn't a church goer for many years. When he started back to church, then the pancake morning were relegated to Saturday mornings. I loved those mornings!

He taught me how to make pancakes, really. I used to love helping out in the kitchen. I remember flipping the pancakes when all those little bubbles started breaking. I also remember being in charge of making the orange juice.

Today's 5-minute Stream of Consciousness post went by really fast. I feel I could have probably gone on and on. Perhaps that's better for you all that I had to stop at 5 minutes. :-) I really didn't think I'd have anything to say on this topic, so I was caught a little off guard when the timer started chiming.

Thanks for a great topic today, Fadra!

Want to give it a try? Here are a few rules:

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.

  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.

  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.

  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.

  • Link up your post.

  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
  • Twitter → @EnjoytheCourse
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    Pinterest → clarindad


    1. My Sundays were also full of rushing around getting ready for church and eating breakfast!

      Visiting from SOC Sunday

    2. Nice memories! We always did church and donuts afterward. I can still tast the donuts to this day!

      1. Donuts sound good. :) Probably a good incentive for going to church.

        Thanks for stopping by!

    3. I forgot about pancakes and waffles. My mom made those on Sunday mornings, too.

    4. Pancake breakfasts were always good memories for me. :) I still love pancakes.

    5. I loved pancakes breakfasts. Those are some great memories and something I tried to keep going with my own children.

      I also remember all the "interesting" breakfast combinations mom would come up with to give us something hearty in the morning. Egg bakes immediately come to mind. However, my favorite was made from scratch hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls or muffins. Yummy!

      Dad's weekend breakfasts were probably more memorable because we all sat down together to eat at the same time. Nothing quite beats waking up to the smell of bacon frying and the sweet aroma of hot pancakes.

      Now I'm hungry. :-(

      1. From mom I definitely remember made from scratch hot cocoa and German pancakes. Those were always a welcome, yummy treat!

        And nothing, nothing beats waking up to the smell of bacon frying and hot pancakes. Or waking others up in this way.

    6. My sister lives in an old house and when I visit her, I get totally stressed. She has one bathroom and there can be up to 7 people there at one time!
