Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Why's & How's of Foam Rolling

Quick! What are some of your first thoughts when I say Foam Roller?

If you're like me, you might have come up with things like:
Self-massage, Injury prevention, I need to do this more often, but never find the time
Painful, Good for recovery, I know I should, but...

Did you know that today is National Foam Rolling Day?!
I know! There is a national day for everything nowadays. :)

The Why's & How's of Foam Rolling

I find the thought of foam rolling to be kind of intimidating. I know there are a ton of benefits, but sometimes I can get caught up in the HOW of it all.

First, let's talk about the WHY.

Benefits of Foam Rolling

I hear the most chatter about the following two benefits:

Aids in Recovery - When done after a long run or tough workout, it can help to remove lactic acid and increase the flow of fresh blood and nutrients to the sore, overworked muscles.

Assists in Healing - Foam rolling can help break up scar tissue caused by overworking your muscles or from injury. Breaking up the scar tissue helps your body heal faster.

So, I really only thought of foam rolling as a post-workout thing or a rest day thing when you feel an injury coming on.

Apparently, it's so much more than that!

  • Increases blood flow
  • Improves mobility and flexibility
  • Prevents injury

@EnjoytheCourse came across something interesting - foam rolling isn't just for recovery and injury prevention!

I had never once considered foam rolling as a warm-up to wake up those muscles! By loosening up your muscles beforehand, you're able to go deeper into whatever exercise you're doing. Which in turn will make those exercises more effective!

How to Foam Roll

It's easy right?! Well, remember how I said it was intimidating for me? Was it really as simple as rolling on a roller? I would answer that with a Yes and No.

Yes, that's basically right. Put the roller on the floor and then put your body on the roller and move back and forth.

No, you've got to be sure to maintain good form. For example, when rolling your quads, you're basically in a plank position, so you'll want to keep your butt low and engage your core. You'll also want to be sure to roll nice and slow. Faster, in this case, is not better.

Also, be sure not to spend too much time on those really tight knots or roll directly on a painful area. It's best to roll the muscles that feed into the knots or painful areas to avoid further irritation.

The Why's & How's of Foam Rolling

How to Start

It took me quite awhile to even consider giving foam rolling a try. I'm far from an expert (I really only do it sporadically), but here is what I'd recommend to get started.
  • Foam rollers are color coded. White are the softest while black are the hardest. When just starting, perhaps go with a white or blue and work up to a green or black.
  • Try other similar tools like a foam roller stick, or even just a  good old-fashioned rolling pin (but probably not the same one you use in the kitchen, cuz it will be gross after rolling a bit).
  • Work on strengthening your core and upper body to assist you in maintaining good form when rolling.

If you enjoyed this post, consider sharing.

I still really only dabble with foam rolling and don't take it nearly as seriously as I should. But I'm feeling a bit more inspired to dig out my rollers and make them a bigger part of my workout life - before and after.

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  1. I have a love/hate relationship with foam rolling. I have to do it in order to "try" to stay injury free, but it hurts! LOL

    1. I feel ya! It often seems like so much effort, too. But I hear that a little goes a long way, so I'm ready to start upping my rolling game. :)

  2. I started foam rolling BEFORE my runs last fall, and now it's pretty much a daily habit (even though I don't run daily). Prior to that, I'd foam roll AFTER some of my runs, but never as a maintenance thing. I can really see a difference in my aches/pains and recovery time!

    1. That's so awesome! I don't know why it never occurred to me to do it BEFORE a run to help loosen things up. I'm definitely going to start now after writing this post, though.

  3. I love to hate on my foam roller but man, is it effective! I know when I'm tight or aching, after a rolling session, that I'm going to feel a lot better.

  4. I used to be so good about foam rolling, but I've fallen off the band wagon lately. I really need to get back to it!

  5. I am not as tight with my roller as I should be but it does sure feel nice when we meet up! :-)

    1. My thoughts exactly. I need to date my roller more often. ;-)

  6. I love my foam roller but have slacked off a bit lately.thanks for the reminder

  7. I need to be more diligent with my foam roller, that's for sure!

  8. I'm a big fan of foam rolling. When I watch my nightly shows, I'm on my foam roll for at least 10min. Always feel better afterwards.

    1. That's so great! I want to be someone who does this, but I always find an excuse not to. Which is ridiculous, since it's only 10 min.

  9. I def need to regularly foam roll! It's something I always think about but then forget to do.

  10. I need to be much more consistent about foam rolling. I know that its good for me, and my foam roller sits in my closet so I see it everyday. I really need to get it out and use it more.

    1. Mine stares at me longing from across the room, but still I often ignore it. :)

  11. I am a big fan of foam rolling! Especially since I had some injuries I try to make it a regular part of my running routine!

    1. Great job! That's so awesome. I've been much better about it since writing this post. :)

  12. Foam rollersssss! I love em' and definitely don't do it enough. They hurt so good! I didn't know they were color-coded!
