Friday, October 12, 2012

Fitness Friday - Upcoming Races

Last Thursday, I randomly wrote on the event page for Ragnar Las Vegas that I was looking to join a  team. I didn't really think it would go anywhere. I wasn't really expecting to hear from anyone.

Imagine my surprise when someone actually contacted me to say they had a couple open spots. This led to a flurry of FB messages with the team captain and a rising level of excitement from me.

This team sounded so awesome!

Team name: The Fanny Pack
Team theme: 1980s.

I could hardly wait to talk to my husband about doing this, and then, of course, I'd also need to take a day off from work. I'm too new at my job to have any vacation time, so it's time off without pay...

But Ragnar is totally worth it, right?

By Monday afternoon, it was official. I am now runner #4 of the Fanny Pack.

If you saw my Wordless Wednesday post, then you've seen what I'm up against. Are you jealous? Check out those lovely downhills. Ah, it should be perfect. And hopefully fast.

I. Can't. Wait.

But first... I have a half marathon to run. The weekend before Ragnar. Am I crazy? Maybe. I'm totally okay with that, though.

I registered for this 1/2 back in June.

Really Big Free Marathon 2012

I'm mostly pumped for this race because once I start, I'll be 50 bucks richer. LOL. Seriously, though, I think it will be a lot of fun. Bonus: A few of my Ragnar teammates are running it, too. Perhaps I'll have a chance to meet them before spending two days in a smelly van with them.

These two races will be my first since the Get Lucky 1/2 Half Marathon in March.

Have a mentioned how excited I am?? :-)

Three weeks until the Half.
Four weeks until Ragnar.

Have you ever run a Ragnar (or other relay race) before? This will be my second time. You can read about my experience running Ragnar Great River 2011 in this post.

What races do you have coming up this fall? If any of you are running either of these races, please let me know! I'd love to meet you. :-)

Click the picture below to see who else is celebrating Fitness today.

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  1. So excited for you! You are going to have a blast! Never done a Ragnar, but really want to:)

    1. Thanks! I'm excited, too. Maybe we can do one together next year. :)

  2. How FUN! I've yet to do a Ragnar but it's on my list for 2013!

  3. i go back and forth on ragnar. part of me is dying to experience it, but the other part knows how horrible i feel when i'm out of routine and don't get enough sleep! i can't wait to live vicariously through you though!

  4. How exciting!! I've never done a relay of any kind... you're going to have so much fun! Best wishes in your half, too. :)

    1. Thanks, Laura! I think I'll have a lot of fun doing both. :) At least that's my plan.

  5. That's so exciting! Good luck with your half and I know you're going to have a great time with Ragnar. This year has been full of adventures for you!

  6. I've never run a Ragnar but seriously want to! So exciting! I'm running 3 more half marathons this fall.
