Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm Still Me!

Today's Monday Listicles challege comes to us from Christine. List 10 WAYS YOU ARE THE SAME OR DIFFERENT THAN YOUR YOUNGER SELF.

I've changed a lot over the years since high school, but there are still a lot of things that are the same.

1. I still get acne. One day I dream of waking up with clear beautiful skin.

2. I'm still shy and quiet. Unless I'm talking with a good friend. Then I end up talking a mile a minute in a super excited way.

3. I still love to dance and sing. In front of no one but me. Yep. Rarely even my husband.

4. The best time to dance and sing? While cleaning the house. Of course! Still makes the chores go by so much faster.

5. I still like to read. Though I don't do it nearly as often as I did as a teenager.

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

6. I still have little to no fashion sense. I dress to the beat of my own drum.

7. I still prefer being hot over being cold. The adage of "You can always put on more clothes" still holds no truth for me. Unfortunately, my fair skin still tries to thwart my sun-loving nature.

8. Though I accept who I am and don't really compare myself to others, I still crave acceptance and validation.

9. I still hate making phone calls. Thank god for the invention of the Internet and email!

10. I still love to play and bake in the kitchen.

How are you the same or different than your younger self?

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  1. Argh, the acne! I have less than I did as a teenager, but it still drives me crazy that I still get zits nearly twenty years after I thought I'd be done with them. :P

  2. I actually have worse skin now than I did when I was a teenager. At about 30 I started getting adult acne. What the heck?! Not cool! Love the dancing pics:)

  3. I'm an avid reader too which is why I can't read before going to bed or I'll stay up until I finish the entire book!

    1. If the book is really captivating or if I'm *close* to the end, I'm a total goner - even knowing I'll totally regret it the next day.

  4. Teehee. Too funny. Hmmm, guess I need to think about this. I know I've change quite a bit!

    1. Oh, I've changed quite a bit, too, but it was fun to think about all the ways I'm still the same.

  5. I too would rather be hot. Am not a phone person and crank the music when cleaning house. It always makes things go better.

  6. I'm so with you on #7, 8 and 9. I'll take hot any day...and i live in Chicago. Not good. #8 is hilarious. I totally do that. I'm ok with me and I don't compare, but I totally want to fit in...and need that stewing over my blog comments to see what people said about my posts! ha! I hate the phone. But, I think I wouldn't hate it as much if I didn't have the option of email and texting and Facebook and twitter, etc. :-)

    1. Until a few months ago, I lived in MN, so I know your pain about loving the heat but having to deal with the cold. :(

      And I totally agree about the phone. If those other options weren't available, I'd probably hate it less, but I'd also write more letters...

  7. We were separated at birth. I'm sure of it. Or we could be really good friends. Because I can relate to every single one on your list! It's like you were describing me! I KNEW there was a reason I liked you :)

  8. I think it's really unfair that I have pimples and wrinkles. Not cool.

    1. It's so unfair! Isn't there supposed to be a time and season for everything? I just don't see why they need to overlap.

  9. When will I stop having pimples AND craving validation? When? Ellen

    1. Oh, Ellen, I wish I knew. I can only hope that maybe in the afterlife my dreams will come true...? :D

  10. I never thought of it this way but I guess my fair skin was meant to be in PNW ;) great list, you just really sound like someone who is smashing company and a great friend!
