Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Brain Dump

**WARNING** Lots of negativity in this post. Feel free to come back tomorrow...

After Monday's Ragnover, my week has continued in a downward spiral.

My left quad is still really bothering me. I don't feel like exercising. I've driven to work everyday this week (and plan to drive tomorrow and Fri as well). I don't feel strong or fit.

I've gotten a headcold. My head is throbbing. I feel like my nose is broken or it wants to explode plus it's really dry. Overall, just annoying and uncomfortable.

I want to write about Ragnar Las Vegas. I really do, but I don't feel like it. There is so much to say, but I'm having trouble finding the words or knowing where to begin. When I get home from work, I just feel like vegging and not blogging.

I need to do laundry and cook dinner and clean the apartment. I DON'T WANT TO DO ANY OF IT!!

I have a lot of downtime at work. I both love and hate this about my new job.

Getting back on our feet financially is proving more difficult than we'd hoped. I love being in Vegas, and I don't regret at all leaving MN, but I wish we had more money. Who doesn't?

We have no plans for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I feel like I should be sadder about it than I am.

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  1. Sorry you're not feeling well-hope you feel better soon!

  2. I hope you feel better, too. The leg will heal, the headcold will go away. You can always find something to do for Thanksgiving. Perhaps, doing something of service for those less fortunate than you would help brighten your spirit. When the time is right you'll regale us with details from Ragnar, so don't fret. As for financial soundness and daily life - I hear a grain of salt should be taken, a plea for help from those we love and a nice long nap will help immensely. Love you tremendously and for goodness sakes take it easy on yourself. :)

    1. Oh, Treva! You're killing me. It's not nice to make your sister cry at work. LOL. Great advice, though. Love you!!

  3. Girl, I have weeks like this too. I just feel DRAINED. Tired, crabby and don't feel like doing anything. I really think that is our body's way of telling us to simmer down! I skipped a workout last night because I was just too freaking tired. I took a nap. I never do that! Allow yourself to rest and get those crabbies out! Next week will be better. :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I appreciate your kind words. :) Thankfully, my crabbiness really only lasted one day. Yay!

  4. I think you and I are the same person sometimes. I can totally relate to wanting to write about an event but not being able to. Also, as for the Thanksgiving thing....yep, us too. Here's to you feeling better!

    1. LOL, Heidi! Next time we get together, I promise, I'll be much more social. :) You're so awesome.

  5. Give yourself a break and just take it easy without feeling guilty. You deserve it after such an intense weekend:) Give your body and mind the rest it needs and you will be back to normal in no time! May I suggest a dip in a hot tub or a massage:)

    1. LOL. Great advice! I love that I have I hot tub right in my backyard (i.e. my apartment complex).
