Saturday, December 29, 2012

Reading & Running

I've been absolute rubbish about reading in 12.

I set a goal at the beginning of the year to read 12 books in 2012. I actually did meet this goal because over the summer Jeff and I read 12 books together. That was super fun! But reading on my own was not really a priority, and the types of books I ended up reading were not the ones on my goal at least 6 of books were to be history, geography, or education related.

Instead of reading, I spent lots of time on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest and and and...

So, last week, I finally got frustrated enough with my phone on my lunch break our lunchroom is a like a signal black hole, rendering my phone all but useless and decided to read a book on my Kindle app on my phone.

That's 30 minutes a day of uninterrupted reading!

With no other plans for Friday night last night, I opened my Kindle as soon as I got home. Spent the entire night reading. I haven't done that in forever! I finally finished my book around 1:30 a.m. Oops!

Now, I can't wait to start the next one!!

I'll be posting a review of the book I just finished, so stay tuned for that. And hopefully for more book reviews in 2013.


You may recall that I decided to take a running hiatus to hopefully allow my foot to heal. I was going to wait until 2013 before tying on my running shoes.

Well, I made it until Dec 29th.

The first week of my hiatus went well. I still made it to the gym every morning before work for some strength/weight work.

And then I stopped. The past two weeks were filled with sleeping in and preparing for our move and settling into our new apartment and and and...

I realized that without running, it was *that* much more difficult for me to motivate myself in other fitness-related areas.

So, today, I hit the pavement ... er, sidewalk ... with my Sallie-girl. She had a ball. Running. Jumping. Sniffing. Peeing.

My foot still hurt. And sometimes my knees. And it was a little hard to breathe at times. And this was only a 2+ mile run. Ugh. I've got some work to do.

I'll take it easy with the running Short distances. Easy paces. Just once or twice a weeks. for the next couple weeks.  I'll refocus on strength training.

What are your favorite books to read? I generally stick to fiction. Mysteries are my favorite, but sometimes I slip into other genres.

Are you on GoodReads? I'm not very active with it, but hope to be better in 2013. Feel free to friend me, if you use it.

How find motivation to exercise when you can't do your favorite form(s) of exercise?

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  1. I try to be active no matter what but I feel ya when it's not what you have your heart set on then it's difficult. I wish I was more of a reader!

    1. Sometimes maintaining motivation is so hard!!
      Perhaps some reading goals for 2013...? :)

  2. Great job getting back at it- gotta start somewhere! I am not on GoodReads, but I'm also hoping to read more in 2013.

  3. Mysteries/crime novels are generally my favorite, as well. But I do read others. I have a few on my Kindle App on my phone right now - all different kinds. Trying to do more reading myself. I waste a LOT of time on this computer!!!

    1. I really want to branch out and read with more variety. I just started a book about Hurricane Katrina, so I'm hoping to include more non-fiction in 2013.

      The computer with all it's social media can really suck a girl in. :D
