Monday, December 31, 2012

Totally 80s

Kate from Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine... with my morning quiet time? is the mastermind behind this week's listicle topic. She gave us 3 choices:

10 Things Totally 80s
10 Tweets
10 Crushes

Such good choices! But ultimately, I went with ...


There were so many different ways I could have done this, but I decided to just share 1 thing from 10 different pop culture trends. Obviously, I could have probably come up with a list of 10 things in each category, but these are either the first thing that came to mind or my favorite or a special memory I have.
  1. Movie - Can't Buy Me Love
  2. I don't know what it is about this movie, but it's hands down my favorite 80s movie.

  3. Song - Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper

  4. I loved this song when I was young.
    Oddly, it reminds me of the swingset in our backyard growing up.
    My husband likes to rank Cyndi Lauper with Shakespeare because of how many times this song has been covered. lol.

  5. Band - Poison
  6. My older sisters would listen to this band, and I remember sneaking into their room to borrow their cassette tapes.

  7. Heaththrob - River Phoenix
  8. River was one of my first crushes! Oh, I was in love. :D

  9. Fashion Trend - Pinned jeans
  10. I scoured the Internet for a good picture of pinned jeans, and I could find NONE! I was hoping to re-create one this morning before work, but ran out of time.  Hopefully I'll update this post later with a good picture.
    UPDATE: I finally found a picture online. From a fellow Listicler, of course! Thanks, Ellen for letting me use your fab picture. :D

  11. TV show - Full House
  12. I watched a LOT of 80s TV shows, but I this was definitely one of  my favorites.

  13. Car - Ford Aerostar
  14. When asking my husband for help with this post, he came up with this category. And the Aerostar.  He said everyone seemed to have this car.
    And then I remembered that I'm pretty sure my family had one, too.

  15. Electronic gadget - Nintendo Entertainment System
  16. I remember when this came out. It was definitely the MUST HAVE gift of the time. We got one, and my brothers played it a LOT.

  17. Home Appliance - Microwave oven
  18. I think the 80s is when this appliance really sprang into popularity. I remember meeting a new family in the late 80s who didn't have one, and I thought it was so weird!

  19. Health - Jane Fonda workout videos
  20. Lastly, since this is a fitness blog, I can't leave out a popular health trend from the 80s!
What are your favorites trends from the 80s?

Now, why not head over to The good life to read all the other fabulous lists. I wonder which topic will be the most popular this week...

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  1. There was someone in the movie Can't Buy Me Love that I couldn't stand because she was dating Charlie Sheen at the time, who was my crush. I can't even remember who it was now! lol

    1. I'm so glad I wasn't eating/drinking anything when I read this comment! I would have made a mess. So funny!! :)

  2. I will stop what I'm doing and watch an episode of Full House if it's on!! :)


  3. Poison is my absolute favorite band ever!!!

    1. Awesome! :)
      I know I was a fan back in the day, but now I can't come up with a single song title - except Look What the Cat Dragged In, but that's just because of the album cover in the pic I used. LOL.

  4. I loved Cyndi Lauper! I secretly wanted to be just like her. I'm so glad I didn't stick to that wish! Great list!

  5. I can't stop nodding my head!! Yes, yes...YES!! I LOVED "Time After Time" oh, man!! And I swear, until I read this I had buried away that Jane Fonda workout tape but I used to know that thing by heart. (and I swear, my parents only recently got rid of that very microwave. It took up half their kitchen counter!! :)

    1. Seriously, the best song. Ever.
      Just ask my husband.
      No, I'm not kidding.

  6. It's funny watching Can't Buy Me Love now. Patrick Dempsey sure grew up nicely.

  7. Poison was my first concert! 80's hair bands were the best!

  8. It's so comforting to see that so many people picked the 80s for their listlcle topic because that means I'm not the only one old enough to remember!
    So you live in Vegas and you like to run - how do you do it in the heat???
    My ex-husband lives in Vegas and my daughter goes there regularly, we're actually planning a family trip there for Easter break!

    1. Well, I've only been in Vegas since July, and I didn't run too much in Jul/Aug. I think a lot of people try to go early in the mornings. I love the heat, though, so I'm kind of excited for summer.

  9. It's sad that Poison has better eyeliner application skills than I do. I used to sneak into my sister's room to listen to her Poison album!

    1. Same here! I suck at applying eyeliner. It always ends up looking dumb. ;)

  10. Great list of the 80's! I had totally forgotten about the aerostar van!

    1. Me, too! Thank goodness for my husband who remembers weird stuff like this. :)

  11. You should totally use our pegged jeans picture. Like totally. And I loved/love Full House. I watch it along with ALF with my kids to show them what 80s fashion was really all about. Good ol' Uncle Jessie.

    And poor River Phoenix. What a tortured soul. Ellen

  12. Can't buy me love was my favorite movie ever and look at how cool I was for loving mc dreamy back in the day ;)
