Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ultimate Coffee Date - December 2014

The last post I wrote before going on blogging hiatus was an Ultimate Coffee Date in Sept, so I was super excited to find out this link-up is still alive!

Coffee with friends can be so much fun, so I'm excited to grab a cup and catch up with all of you!!

The Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee today... I'd have to keep this short and sweet because I'm meeting some friends for a trail run this morning! I haven't hit up a trail in months, so I can't wait. If you're a long time reader, this might shock you because I used to really dislike trail running, but it kinda grew on me this past year after training with George for a half marathon/5K back in May. I'd ask if you prefer trail running or road running.

If we were having coffee today... I'd tell you all about how 2015 is going to focus on speed! I've had breaking a 25-min 5k as a goal for the past 2 years, and right now I'm not sure I could even break a 30-min 5k. I've got a lot of work to do in 2015, which means I'm committing to no marathons in 2015 and lots of speed work and strength training. :-) I'm toying with an idea of hosting some kind of a virtual 5k race series that would last all year long. I'd ask if you were focusing on speed in 2015 and/or if you'd be interested in joining a virtual race series.

If we were having coffee today... I'd tell you how I'm *this* close to 1400 followers on Instagram! How fun would it be to get to 1500 before the New Year?! You can follow me here and I'd ask if you were on IG as well.

If we were having coffee today... I'd tell you how excited/frustrated I am that we are planning on buying a house in 2015. (yes, 2015 is going to be one hell of a year!) I'm excited at the possibility of moving into a place all our own. Our current apartment is getting more and more ghetto. The people who are moving in and the people who are walking around aren't making us feel the safest, so we're definitely excited to get out of our current complex and area of the city. I'm frustrated that it's not happening right now! When you make a huge decision like this, you just want it to happen right away. We're trying to save a little more money and find the perfect (for us!) house. We're probably several months away from actually moving, and I'm sure there will be a lot more frustrations to come, but it's still very exciting. I'd ask about your first time home buying experience.

If we were having coffee today... I'd probably apologize that I haven't mentioned anything about the holidays - shopping, decorating, baking, etc. Truth is over the years I've gotten less and less into the holidays. Jeff really doesn't get into them, and when it's just me, it just doesn't seem as important. Maybe I'll start getting into all the holiday decorating and baking again next year when we're in our own place. I'd probably ask you about any holiday parties you have coming up.

OK I've got to get ready for my trail run! It's been fun sharing with you!! I hope you'll go check out everyone else who stopped by the Ultimate Coffee Date over at Confessions of a Mother Runner today!

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  1. I'm so glad you decided to join us for coffee today! I love making new friends and coffee dates are the perfect way don't you think? House hunting is always stressful-good luck with that. Trail running does not like me-my ankle still hurts from the branch I tripped over a few weeks ago on a trail race. I'd like to focus on getting some speed back in 2015 too. Have a great weekend!
    Confessions of a Mother Runner

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Deborah! Coffee dates are the perfect way to make new friends. :) Let's work on speed together in 2015! :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. I hope you enjoyed your run! I am in Phoenix for the Hot Chocolate 15K. I bopped over to follow you on instagram :) I am new to this so I am getting warmed up! (fitnessskippy) Nice to see you for coffee!

    1. Thanks for following me on IG! I had a great time on my trail run. Hope you enjoyed the Hot Chocolate 15k. That race sounds so awesome!!

  3. Yay! :D I got to be your 1400th follower (I'm fairyburger :P )! Hope you get to 1500 before the end of the year! :]

    Good luck house-hunting, and I hope you had fun on your trail run! :]

    1. Congrats on being my 1400th follower!! :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  4. I'm so excited that you're buying a house! We had an excellent experience, only looked at a couple houses and then we found 'ours'. Hopefully it'll go as smooth and stress free as ours did.
    I didn't really get into Christmas last year or this year. I don't know what's wrong with me! Probably just because of life lately, there really isn't any joy in it for me. Hope you had a fun trail run!

    1. Thanks, Katie! I hope it's goes smooth and stress-free, too. :-) There's still time this year to get into Christmas, if you want. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time. :( My trail run was lots of fun!!

  5. Yeah, it's hard keeping up with so many social media accounts, but Instagram is really fun. :) lol. I definitely wouldn't say that the trails I've done are very technical, but Saturday's run really seemed to work different muscles. My calves were burning the next day(s).

  6. I'm with you on the holidays - when my kids were smaller, we were so so into everything. As they get older and we get busier, we just get less and less into things.

    Good luck with house shopping - that's so exciting!!! congratulations.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Carrie! House shopping is exciting. :)

      Enjoy the holidays!
