Friday, December 19, 2014

My Year of Running 2014

I'm super excited to link up with Miss Zippy again this year for My Year of Running 2014. It's been quite a good running year for me! :-)

Year of Running 2014

What was my:

Best Race Experience? How can I possibly choose a best race experience?! I think I ran more races this year than I have in many years. OK, if I have to pick one, I'll go with the Ventura Half Marathon. After running it, I went on a blogging hiatus, so I never did a proper recap, but you can check out this Google Plus story about the race. I had a lot of fun running this one in a swimsuit cover-up (with running clothes underneath) and a floppy beach hat AND even managed a PR. Whoo hoo!

Ventura Half Marathon 2014

Best run? So many great runs this year! I loved hitting the trails with George training for Ragnar Zion and then Trails of Fury. Some of the best runs, of course, were the ones with my non-runner husband who trained for, and ran, his first half marathon this year. But one of my favorite runs was the one I did on Catalina Island in May.

Catalina Island

Best new piece of gear? The Flip Belt. I broke down and bought one of these at the Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas expo. I love it so much - better than any belt or pocket I've ever tried.

Best piece of advice I received? Run more races. lol. And like I mentioned, I did run a lot (for me) races this year. :)

Most inspirational runner? I like to be inspired by regular people and well, people from Twitter. I'm going to go with my friend, George, this year. He inspired me to try out trail running again and pushed me to run some of the trails here in Vegas with him. He runs lots of crazy races and just has a lot of fun with running. He's always willing to run at someone else's pace to help them through a race, as well. If you're not following him on Twitter, you should be. :)

If I could sum up my year in a couple of words, what would they be? Amazing and fun!

How was your year of running?

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  1. Awesome year Clarinda! Flipbelt is one of my top 5 racing gear of the year. Would you mind helping me spread the word about Fitness Friday by including a mention and link back in your post or the badge on your sidebar? Thanks so much!

    1. I'm so glad that I broke down and bought a FlipBelt. I use it all the time now! I added the Fitness Friday badge to my sidebar. :-)

  2. I love my Flipbelt too! Sounds like a great year! My year? New distances!

  3. Congrats on your year! Sounds like you had a lot of great races!
