Tuesday, July 11, 2017

How to Successfully Complete a Fitness Challenge

Tomorrow is THE Day! The beginning of the 30 day countdown to my 40th birthday. I'm beyond excited.

I can't wait to celebrate with all of you with a 30 day fitness challenge.

I've gotten some questions about the exercises and participating in the challenge, so I thought I'd share some tips on how to successfully complete a fitness challenge. Any fitness challenge, not just the one for my birthday.

Have Fun

This is the most important tip! No matter the challenge, it will be better if you're having a good time with it. Definitely push yourself to go a little deeper, harder, longer, but don't beat yourself up if you mess up. Lose your balance? Laugh it off and get right back into it. Trust me. If you're having fun with it, it will go much faster and you will enjoy it a lot more.

Know the Rules

My fitness challenge is pretty easy-breezy when it comes to rules, but some will be a bit more strict {especially if there are prizes involved}. If there is a place to log your progress, be sure you know where it is. If you're required to post a picture each day, be sure you know where/how, so you get full credit for participating.
For my birthday challenge, feel free to participate 1 day or all 30. Do 1 activity or all 40. Each day there is just one exercise that you do 40 times throughout the day {all at once or spread out}. Share as often as you'd like on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and use #ClarindaTurns40, so I can see your posts. Like I said, easy-breezy.

Be prepared

If there is list of daily tasks or a printable calendar, be sure you are familiar with it so you know ahead of time what to expect each day. Be sure you have a space prepped that allows enough room for you to do the exercises and isn't too cluttered or messy. Bonus if there is good lighting - especially for challenges that may require photographic evidence. :-)
There are a few activities in my birthday challenge that aren't exactly fitness-related (e.g. read a book, enjoy a pool day, try something new) or that might take a little more time (e.g. run 40 miles, map the shape of 40, share a motivational pic), so make a plan for those at the beginning of the challenge. That way, you won't run out of time. :)

Make Time

Decide if it will be best to do the challenge in the morning or evening or midday. It doesn't have to be the same time each day, unless that helps you to remember and stay on track. Either way, you'll want to have a plan in place so there are less excuses throughout the challenge.

Ask Questions and Encourage Others

If you're unsure of how the challenge works or what the exercises are, don't be afraid to ask the host or other people participating. If you have a question about something, chances are that someone else has a similar question.

A lot of the fun of a fitness challenge is getting to know some of the other people who are also doing it, and asking questions or congratulating someone are great ways to start a conversation.
For this challenge, stay tuned to social media! Each evening {between 5-7 PDT} I'll be sharing an animated GIF on the next day's exercise to help set you up for success. {see preview video below} Definitely still reach out with any questions, though! I'll definitely be searching #ClarindaTurns40 several times throughout the day to see and respond to everyone participating.

Listen to Your Body

Yes, it's supposed to be a challenge, but don't hurt yourself over it. It's just not worth it. Chances are the host of the challenge isn't your doctor or personal trainer, so it's up to you to know what you can handle. Modify if you need to modify. Not sure how? Just ask. :) If you do have health issues/concerns, always consult your doctor before attempting a fitness challenge.

I hope these tips are helpful in making your next fitness challenge a success!

If you haven't read all the details of my birthday challenge, go here. Don't forget to download the printable calendar, too.

Will you be celebrating with me?
What other tips do you have for doing a fitness challenge?

I'm linking up with MarciaPatty, and Erika for Tuesday's on the Run.

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Instagram → enjoyingthecourse
Facebook → EnjoyingtheCourse
Google+ → Enjoying the Course
Pinterest → clarindad


  1. Oh fun! I'm going to follow along in your fun challenge!!

  2. I probably won't do this but it will be fun to following along those that participate.

  3. Awesome challenge tips and happy birthday in advance! Your 40's will rock. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Laura! I'm looking forward it the challenge and my 40s. :)

  4. These are all awesome tips! Hope you have tons of fun on your challenge, and happy early birthday!

    1. Thank you, Farrah! We're about halfway through now, and it's been a lot of fun!
