There's only 1 more month left, so let's see if I'm still on track!
Individual Goals
Fitness goals - Run Faster and Train HarderSept, Oct, and Nov were spent hard at marathon training. Unfortunately, that didn't really include much speed work, cross training, or strength training. Even though I know it should have! It's so hard to find the time to do all of that along with all. the. running. I had a great marathon, though, so NO REGRETS! :)
Blogging goals
Um. You all know how this went. #fail
Goals with Jeff
Read 3 books together. Good news: We actually did start reading together! Yay!! Bad news: We haven't even finished 1 book, let alone 3. Not sure we'll be able to finish 3 before the end of December, but we should make it a priority and still try, right?!New in 2014. Still going strong doing one new thing every month. Here's what you may have missed:
Sept - Jeff came out with me on a training run. He supported me while biking as I ran.
Oct - We attended a 1st time homebuyers class. :)
Nov - We visited the Las Vegas Natural History Museum
Enriching Activities. Since August, we've checked off a couple more activities. We volunteered at the Ironman in early Oct, and visiting the Las Vegas Natural History Museum yesterday counts as a cultural activity as well. Now, we have just 3 more activities to check off, and I'm pretty confident that we'll get this all done! Whoo hoo!!!
Overall I'm very happy with how my 2014 goals are going, and I hope to finish the year strong! :)
Anyone else still focused on their 2014 goals?
Anyone start working on their 2015 goals already? I've already got some goals bopping around in my head for 2015 that I'm pretty excited about, so stay tuned!