Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In a funk...

I'm linking up for The Fit Dish with Jill Conyers and Jessica Joy today!

This week's topic:

In a slump #dishthefit

I tried and TRIED to think of fitness-inspiring movies, and all I could come up with was Rocky. Which I don't think I've actually ever seen all the way through.

So, yeah, I'm going to go off topic today.

Hello. I'm Clarinda, and I'm in a funk.

It really hit me on Sunday. Saturday was kind of a busy day, so I decided to push my weekend run to Sunday.

And then I woke up on Sunday, and the weather had turned crappy. It was cold (for Vegas!) and cloudy and dreary with a forecast of rain and continued dreariness.

Plus, I felt like I was coming down with something. My head hurt, and I felt all achy.

So, I skipped my run on Sunday, too. And I skipped my run this morning - to bitch and moan on my blog. :-)

I've also fallen off the #FlabFreeGGH challenge I'd been doing in February. I made it 19 good days, and then I think I got sick of squats. :(

Anyway, I know it's only been a few days for the fitness portion of this slump, BUT I don't want it to get carried away. I don't know about you, but it's SO easy for me to let a few days turn into a few weeks.

If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started I was desperately wishing to be where I am now.

This little funk of mine has lasted much longer than just the past few days, actually.

I hate to complain about work (or do I?), but it's been stressful lately and super busy. I'm hoping that today will be much better! There's also some craziness going on at home, but I don't think I want to go into that right now. Maybe other cheery post in the future? lol.

With so much going on, it's just difficult for me to find the motivation I need to MOVE MY BODY! All I want to do is curl up and read or sleep. Some days, it's a real struggle for me to just get to work. Ugh.

OK. Enough wallowing!

Let Your Smile Change the World. But Never Let the World Change Your Smile.

Maybe just writing this will help me to get me out of this funk - or at least not let it last too long.

How do you get out of a funk?
What's your favorite fitness-inspiring movie scene?

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  1. Sorry you're in a funk! I hope you snap out of it soon, I know all too well how it feels-- but with that being said, Dont be too hard on yourself, I think it's totally normal! Just keep reliving that awesome 5k PR until you get back on your feet. :)

    1. Lol! Yes!! That memory alone should be enough to life me out of this funk. Thanks. :-)

  2. No worries lady, it happens to all of us, especially with stress, bad weather, and missing some workouts. I have a 'How to Break A Funk" post on my blog. It has tried and true tips, that really work. Funks are TOTALLY normal, so don't worry about it, and just do what's in your power to do. : ) Thanks for sharing, and much love, Lady! You are awesome. And, your profile pic always makes me so happy!

    1. Thanks so much, Jessica! I may need to find that post and check it your tried and true tips. I may write my own as well. :-)

  3. I totally understand the funk!!! Be kind to yourself, let yourself embrace it for awhile.. and then just jump back in when you can!! Hang in there!

  4. I'm sorry that you're in a funk! (I am currently there as well, and it certainly isn't fun.) Don't be too hard on yourself though! I like to think that sometimes, it's just your body's way of telling you to take a little break. Before you know it, you'll be right back into the game again! :]

    1. Thanks, Farrah! Sometimes it's just cathartic to get it all out there. :) Hope you get out of your funk soon, too!

  5. I am right there with you! I have been feeling the funk lately too. It will pass!! :)

  6. Yep, been there too. I'm sorry you're going through it, it sucks! I hope things get better at work and at home soon. Hang in there lady! I'm always here if you want to vent. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Katie! I'm sure everything will get better soon. :) Just gotta shake it off.

  7. Rocky was the first movie that came to mind for me too. Then, I realized it's not the movie that inspires me. It's the song. Love it at the beginning of a race. Unbreakable is serious motivation and inspiration.

    I wish I had wonderful words of wisdom to share about being in a funk but it seems that time is the only thing that works.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Thanks, Jill. Time heals all, right? I allowed myself a good week+ to just relax and do nothing, and then I kicked myself out of the funk. :)

  8. Oh girl, I'm totally feel you. I just posted a long I'm in a funk blog yesterday too! Maybe it's just the season? Whatever it is, I hope it passes for you soon!

    1. Yeah, I totally think it has something to do with the season, for sure. February is the end of winter, but March holds the promise of SPRING! I'm feeling much more like myself now. :)
