Saturday, February 3, 2018

Join me for a Look at my Breathtaking Road Trip

I am so very glad to be back in sunny Las Vegas. And just in time for the Ultimate Coffee Date! Why not grab a hot beverage and let me tell you all about my road trip. 🚗

Ultimate Coffee Date - February 2018

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you that after 5+ years away, Minnesota winters seem even more brutal than ever. I pretty much only left my parent's house to meet my sister for mani/pedis the day before my brother's wedding and then for my brother's wedding. Oh, we did go out for dinner one night with my parents, too. But mostly, I just stayed in the warmth of my parents' house. It didn't help that I got sick the first night I was there. If I'd been feeling better, I probably would have ventured out some, but I just had zero energy.

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you that Sallie doesn't feel the same way about the Minnesota winters. We could hardly keep that girl inside! Even the morning when the Feels Like temp was -25F.

Sallie with a snowy beard
Sallie with a snowy beard

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you how much fun I had playing with my new nephews. They didn't come over the same day, so I got a little one-on-one time with each of them. They were born one day apart last February, but they are so different! It was great to finally meet them and their Mommas, too.

If we were having coffee today, I'd happily tell you that we didn't have any incidents while making the long drive from Las Vegas to Minneapolis. We left Thursday morning and drove through Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota. :)

Jamestown, New Mexico
View from a gas station somewhere in New Mexico
Sunset in Albuquerque, NM
Gorgeous sunset!

Find out all about @EnjoytheCourse's recent #roadtrip in this month's #UltimateCoffeeDate!

We took a different route home from Minnesota through Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada.

Sallie in the car
Sallie is so good in the car!

There May Be Trouble Ahead Buckle Up | road sign in Colorado
These signs cracked us up. There was never any trouble but there were at least 20 of these signs.
View of Clear Creek in Evergreen, Colorado
Gorgeous view of a river at a gas station in Colorado
Sunset in Clifton, Colorado
Another gorgeous sunset

It was a long few days of driving and I'm definitely glad to be back home. I felt way more tired during this road trip than on previous ones, but I chalk that up mostly to not feeling my best.

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you about how my January goals turned out and what I have planned for February (read about it here). One of my goals is to do Rachel's Supermans, Squats, & Twists challenge. So far so good!

Squats at a gas station
Russian Twists
Russian Twists

I'm excited for a nice, relaxing month ahead!

What would you want to chat about if we were having coffee today?
Any big plans for February?

Thanks for joining me today! Be sure to stop by our lovely hosts Deborah and Coco to catch up over coffee with some other amazing bloggers.

The Ultimate Coffee Date. Join Us!

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  1. I LOVE road trips!! And I especially love road trips that go through Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. Such beautiful, and different, landscape. I could do without Oklahoma or Nebraska (once took me 9 hours to go from one side of the state to the other) but they're beautiful too. Just similar. But, I'm all about a road trip. You ever need a Thelma and Louise sorta trip (without the ending), I'm your girl! haha

    No big plans for February although I am considering cutting back on the wine (as I'm drinking a glass right now). Maybe I'll start a "clean month" tomorrow? lol

    I'm sorry you got sick while you were traveling. That's so unfair. :(

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I'm already looking forward to our next road trip. I hoping it will be a little less time constrained and a little more just for fun. :) I agree that CO, UT, NM, and AZ are gorgeous states!

      Good luck cutting back on wine. National Margarita day is coming up on Feb 22. That's more my style. :D

  2. What a beautiful drive! Roadtripping through the west is way more beautiful than say, Illinois.

    Heading over to check out your February goals post. (goal post? do I have football on my mind?)

    1. Yeah, most of my road-tripping has been done in the West and it is undeniably gorgeous.

  3. you guys take a ton of road trips! I seriously cannot imagine living in Minnesota just so so cold. I would never go outside!

    1. LOL Yes, I feel the same way. It's one of the main reasons we left MN. Really hoping that we don't need to visit in the winter again for a very long time.

  4. I do love a good road trip ...especially across the states you ventured! But being ill certainly takes away some of the joy. Hope you're feeling better!

    Sallie ...what a cutie!!!

    1. Yeah, getting sick really took away a lot from the trip. :(

      Isn't Sallie the cutest?!

  5. What a gorgeous road trip! When I was in Minn for the Twin Cities Marathon everyone was so very nice. The Minnesotanice thing is so true. Sallie is a doll!

    1. There is no denying that MN in the fall is very pretty. TCM is a great race; it was my first 2 marathons. I'm glad to hear that everyone was nice when you were there. :)

  6. We drove from Calgary to Los Angeles this summer... Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California... with side trip to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

  7. Yicks, a feel-like temp of -25? No thanks! Silly dog liking that kind of weather.
    Love the pics from your road trip. I like scenic drives. Unfortunately, most of my roads trips are just full of other cars and trees. Ha!

    1. I know! She was so silly to keep begging to go out in those temps. I was OK staying inside as much as possible. :)

  8. Breathtaking is right - wow! I'm an east coast girl and I think Arizona is the only state I've been to in your road trip list. The scenery is so pretty, even from the gas stations!

    1. I hope you get to visit some of the other states out this way. So much beauty.

  9. Sounds like you had a great trip with family! I haven't been on a long road trip in a while, love all the pics! I'm looking forward to having a solid February - at least I have my fingers crossed!

    1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you as well! Cheers to a solid February. :)

  10. Sounds like you had a great trip! I can't stand sitting in the car for 20min. so it would be torture for me,

  11. The Minnesota winters are getting worse! They are awful! I rarely leave the house unless it is a must! Thank goodness work is super flexible with working from home! I think eight hours in the car is torture so I am super impressed with your drive!

    1. We are a little crazy with our road trips, for sure! :) Glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks the MN winters are getting worse. Lucky for me, I don't have to live there anymore. ;)

  12. Thanks, Karen! It was a beautiful drive. I think MN cold is a thing of its own. lol
