Sunday, June 18, 2017

Week in Review - 6/18

Today marks the end of the Tone It Up Bikini Series. It's hard to believe it's been 8 weeks already! It went by pretty fast. Probably because I was working so hard. :-D

Goal Check-In:
NO Fast Food ✔
Starbucks 1x per week ✔
72 oz of water a day ✔
Stick to the workout plan ✔Well, I did skip one workout this week due to time.
Sub 10:00 min/mile - Current avg pace: 10:24
Lose 10 lbs - ↓ 11.8 lbs

Jun 12-18
(click picture to visit me on DailyMile)

Bikini Series Week 8 Schedule

On The ScheduleWhat I Did
Mon:Abs + Arms1 mile run + 5 DMs  (3 sets of 15 each side)
Shoulder Press + Cross Body Hammer Curls + Upright Row + 
Starfish Crunch + Mermaid Crunch
Tue:Total Body + Cardio2 mile run + Beach Babe Mashup
Wed:HIIT1 mile run + Sandy Sweat HIIT
Thu:Booty + Abs20 min run + 5 DMs  (3 sets of 15 each side)
Plank Knee Taps + Side Plank Crunch + Booty Kickback + 
Single Leg Bridge Dips + V-Sit Crunches
Fri:Total Body30 min run
Sat:Yoga Booty1 mile run + InstaLIVE Yoga Booty workout
Sun:Sunday Runday6.2 mile run
DMs = Daily Moves

Before I get into the highlights from last week, here's a more in-depth goal check-in of the entire Bikini Series. I set 5 goals for the series, with an optional 6th goal of losing 10 lbs. Turns out that was the goal I succeeded at the best. :-D

Check 'em out!

No Fast Food
The point of this goal was really to help me focus more on eating real food made at home, which I feel like I did pretty good on. There was, of course, the one Jack in the Box burger on National Burger Day. And there were a couple sandwiches from Domino's that I never really mentioned on the blog because I didn't really qualify Domino's as fast food. LOL

Starbucks 1x per week
I'm not the kind of girl that goes to Starbucks for a black coffee. No, I'm the girl that gets a venti Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato or some equally decadent drink. Those calories can really add up, so I wanted to limit those treats to only 1x per week. I nailed this goal! There were even a couple weeks that I skipped Starbucks altogether - once kinda by accident; once to make up for the Jack in the Box splurge.

72 oz of water a day
Drinking enough water is always a struggle for me. It's not that I'm drinking much else in place of water (usually just 1 cup of coffee in the morning and maybe something else a couple times a week); it's just that I often forget to drink water at all. Overall, I only fell short 4 days throughout the challenge, so I'm definitely calling that a WIN!

Stick to the workout plan
I really wanted to commit myself to this Bikini Series and give my ALL to the workouts. Since I wasn't doing the nutrition plan part of the challenge, I really wanted to focus on the workouts (and do my own nutrition thing). I modified some workouts and swapped a couple, but I think I only really skipped ONE and that was this past week.

Sub 10:00 min/mile runs
I haven't been focusing on speed for so long that my average pace has really plummeted, so I wanted to get back to that sub 10:00 min/mile pace. I didn't do as great with this as I'd hoped, because a) I didn't really do any speed focused work, and b) it got HOT here in Vegas. Oh and c) the #RWRunStreak started which made my legs a bit tired some days. Still, I feel really good about my progress with this goal.

Average pace of the series (not counting trail runs because those are always so much slower) - 10:24 
Total runs - 54
# of sub 10:00 min/mile runs - 7
4 were in the past week
5 were 1 mile runs
1 was a 2 mile run
1 was a 5K at a 9:30 min/mile pace!!

The 2 & 3 mile sub-10 runs were this past week (so maybe I can't blame the heat) and I was beyond excited for both of them. But especially the 3 miler. I'm not going to say it felt effortless, but it definitely wasn't a struggle.

{Optional} Lose 10 lbs
I'm always hesitant to set a weight loss goal. My weight tends to fluctuate quite a bit, but its fluctuations have just been creeping higher and higher. Since moving to Vegas 5 years ago, I'd gained nearly 25 lbs. I've been casually trying to get that stinkin' number to drop but never with any luck.  I really think that focusing on eating more protein and more produce combined with focusing on doing all the workouts was the winning recipe.

Starting weight - 167.6 lbs
Final weigh-in - 155.8 lbs

I'm hoping to keep the momentum going! The series may be over, but I'm going to try to keep up with working out every day and watching what I eat. I'd secretly love to lose another 10 lbs by my birthday in August. Shhh.

If you're still with me, THANK YOU!! Keep reading to see my highlights of the week.

Highlights of the Week:

Zucchini Matcha Muffins
These were my breakfasts for the week, and they were so delicious! You can get the recipe here.

Speedy Running
4 of my 7 runs this week were sub-10 paces. Whoo hoo!! As mentioned above, the one I'm proudest of is the 5k I ran Friday morning before work. It was pretty amazing. :)

Dinner/Drinks with an Old Friend
A girl I was friends with in the late 90s was in town for a convention. We probably hadn't seen each other in nearly 20 years?! That's the great thing about living in Vegas. People you haven't even thought about in decades contact you to hang out and its like no time has passed.

We met up at a pretty casual place - The Dog Haus. It seems a little weird to go out for hot dogs, but it was delicious.

SOOO VEGGIE (but with Italian Sausage)
tomato wild arugula, crispy onions, avocado, spicy basil aioli

It was fun to catch up with her and learn more about her life in the British Virgin Islands, where she's lived since 2000.

What's a highlight from your week?
Would you ever go out for hot dogs?

I'm linking up today with Tricia & Holly for the Weekly Wrap.

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  1. I agree, If I'm going to Starbucks I'm getting a specialty drink I can't get just anywhere! Congrats on nailing those sub 10 runs. I find it harder and harder to keep a decent pace over the summer. -M

    1. I was a little shocked that so many of my speedier runs were in the past week. 80s must be my perfect running temp. :D

  2. Great job on your sub 10 runs! That's awesome! And, awesome job on losing 11 pounds! That is a great accomplishment! I'm with you and hate setting a weight loss goal because then I'm just disappointed if I don't get it. But, it's awesome that you not only achieved it, but went past it! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Tara! I like to have realistic goals, but every now and again I mix it up. I was a little floored by my success with the weight loss, but encouraged of more to come!

  3. I love seeing your weekly highlights - you did great on the plan!

  4. You have really crushed your goals these past few weeks! So excited for you keep it up girl

  5. Congrats on that 10# weight loss and your speedy 5k! I hope you keep the momentum going!

  6. Ha! I'm doing the same with the RnR Vegas race. I have a friend from college that I haven't seen in almost 10 years, but we've kept in touch through FB. It'll be great to see her again.

    1. Oh, that will be so fun! We hadn't even really kept in touch on FB; I think we just became FB friends earlier this year. LOL.

  7. Well I'd definitely say that your 8 week Bikini challenge was a huge success! Congratulations Clarinda!

    By the way....those zuchinni muffins look soooo good! I'm going to have to try those.

    1. Yes, I would agree that it was a huge success! Let me know if you try the muffins!

  8. Hey, I just finished the TIU Bikini Series too! I've been following them for years, but this was the first challenge I actually followed through on.

    1. Same! I kind of half-heartedly did the bikini series back in 2015, but only 7 weeks. I'm proud that I stayed focused for the entire series. :)

  9. Your starbucks drink is a mouthful! :D I'm the weirdo that orders an Americano, no room. I like my coffee black. That said, once a year I get an iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk for my free birthday drink.
    Congrats on hitting so many goals!! I think it would be unreasonable to have that many and expect to nail all of them, but you made progress with everything, which is a HUGE WIN!! Great job!

    1. I mostly drink black coffee, too, but I don't like to pay for that at Starbucks. :-D

      Thank you so much! I'm really proud of how I did with this challenge.
