Saturday, September 2, 2017

Ultimate Coffee Date - September 2017

Can you even believe it's September already?! I swear this year is flying by faster than any other. Ok. maybe that's an exaggeration, but it does seem crazy fast. You know what today is, right? It's one of my favorite days. It's the first Saturday of the month and time for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

Ultimate Coffee Date - September 2017

August was such a fabulous month, so I have lots to share. Let's get right to it.

If we were having coffee today... I'd first show you my fun new mug. I feel like it's as big as my head. I have just a little 4-cup coffeemaker, and it fits the entire pot. LOL. I love it. (see pic above)

If we were having coffee today... I'd tell you how much fun I had when my family came to visit for my 40th birthday. We had a blast walking around the Strip, lounging at the pool, taking a helicopter ride, eating good food, and laughing a lot. It was so much fun to just hang out with everyone. I'd probably bring up my Week in Review post from 8/13 to show you some of my favorite pictures from my birthday weekend.

And I'd show you this video from my 4.0 mile hike with my family (well, those who wanted/were able to hike).

I really couldn't have asked for a better way to turn 40. It was just so amazing! Though, I still don't get how it's possible that I'm 40.😉

If we were having coffee today... we would certainly chat about how summer is coming to an end. It's been pretty hot here lately, and I'll confess that I'm pretty much ready for fall. In fact, yesterday I enjoyed my first pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, and it. was. divine. Bring on all the pumpkin and apple and sweaters and boots. I'm ready. Now, if the weather will just come around to seeing it my way.

Time for the #UltimateCoffeeDate! @EnjoytheCourse recaps her birthday & looks forward to fall. Plus, #floorsleeping!

If we were having coffee today... I'd tell you how nice our new carpet feels. It was such a headache to get it installed, but it sure feels good to walk or lounge on. Speaking of carpet, we took the plunge and donated our furniture to the Salvation Army. They nicely came and picked it up for us. If you need to get rid of any furniture, I would definitely recommend them. It was super easy to schedule a pick-up online.

Donating our large furniture is just one more step in our transition to floor living (Yes, it means just what you think. Mostly.) and the only big piece we have now is our bed. But, we use it as a couch. It's in the front room with lots of pillows. It's a pretty comfy place to lounge and watch TV. Plus, it frees up space in the bedroom for me to workout. See how easy it is to just fold my bed in half?

If we were having coffee today... I'd tell you that as of this moment, we don't have any big plans for Sept, and I am AOK with that. There is a small possibility of a road trip to the PNW but nothing concrete. I'm good either way, but Jeff's mom really wants us to come visit. Right now, I'm relishing in the thought of some downtime after a pretty great summer. Did I mention I'm ready for fall? 😊

Now, it's your turn!

What would you want to talk about if we were having coffee today? 
What are you looking forward to in September? 
Have you ever tried floor sleeping?

Thanks for joining me today and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! Be sure to stop by our lovely hosts Deborah and Coco to catch up over coffee with some other amazing bloggers.

The Ultimate Coffee Date. Join Us!

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  1. I am not quite ready for PSLs yet -- but maybe I'll change my mind next time I'm at Starbucks. Glad you are liking the new carpet - it's great when household decisions work out so well!
    Thanks for joining us for coffee!

    1. I was kind of surprised I was, but it sounded good and didn't disappoint!

      The new carpet was a little forced upon us after some plumbing issues that may have gone beyond the bathroom. Our apartment wanted to replace the carpet after that, and we weren't about to argue. :)

  2. I have never heard of floor living I need to see what that is all about! happy it's working for you. Looks like you had an amazing month of celebrations. Thanks for joining us for coffee today

    1. I really need to write a post about it! It's basically getting back to our roots and nature state. It definitely takes some getting used to, though, after years and years of furniture.

  3. A BIG thing I'm looking forward to in September is my return to running! The hubby and I are registered for a 5K on the 30th at our Alma Mater (Univ. of Iowa). Im still just walking, but think maybe this week I will experiment with a few short run intervals mixed into my walk...well, they will be more like slow-paced jog intervals LOL (and there will not be many of them)

    1. Oh, that is super exciting!! I hope that slow-paced run intervals become more and more frequent. :)

  4. Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday! As you should!

    No, I don't think sleeping on the floor and I would get along...

  5. So glad your birthday festivities were fabulous! The floor thing sounds interesting. I'd tell you our basement is still a shambles from the flood but the guy is scheduled to get the rehab going this month. We're going with hard floor instead of carpet this time around.

  6. I'm so glad you had a wonderful 40th birthday! You certainly handled that much better than I did 10 years ago! I was in a 'funk' for monthss!! Lol

    1. LOL! It's funny which birthdays hit us hard. 25 was the hardest one for me. Looking back it seems so ridiculous. :-D I decided to really embrace 40! LOL

  7. hahah, that's such a cute mug! My friend has a giant bowl for her coffee that she likes to call a cup. ;P

    I slept in a sleeping bag on the floor for a couple months when I was in med school because I was too cheap to buy a bed. :P

    Happy belated birthday! A trip to the Pacific Northwest sounds amazing--I really want to do that someday!

    1. LOL. This is definitely the biggest mug I've ever owned/used. :-) I really can't imagine drink from a coffee bowl. ;-)

  8. Happy birthday to you! It sounds like a nice time with your family! I have never heard of floor living! You should definitely bring us all up to speed with a post~

    1. Yes, I do! :-) Hopefully, I'll get a post up this month on floor living.

  9. Never tried floor sleeping. Recently I invested in a big and expensive mattress. I haven't slept this great in years. don't know why it took me so long, it was worth every penny!

    1. That's awesome! My husband is convinced that floor sleeping is better for everyone, but I'm more casual about it. The body needs rest and whatever you can do to make it happen comfortably, you should do it that way. Enjoy your new mattress!

  10. Floor sleeping? Only when I had no other option, LOL! And my bed is a platform bed, so there's storage under there. Nope, not giving that up! Besides, Lola LOVES the bed. :)

    My inlaws are also in PNW, and we're trying to figure out a fall trip, but it most likely won't be this month (too much training! and too hard to run there!).

    1. Really? I thought the PNW had some great running. We had storage under our bed, too, but now it's just under our "couch" instead. LOL

  11. It sounded like your birthday celebrations were a lot of fun! Glad you enjoyed it, my fellow Leo :) I honestly wouldn't have believed that you're 40!

    I am happy to be in September and looking forward to sweaters, boots and pumpkin everything. I had the first of many pumpkin beers and life feels right again, lol!

    1. LOL. I'm not a beer girl, but if the pumpkin beer tastes less like beer and more like pumpkin, maybe I could get on board. :-) I did enjoy my PSL from Starbucks and their pumpkin bread was so yummy, too.

  12. Happy birthday!!! It sounds like it was a great birthday!

    I hear you on the carpet! We need new carpet in our family room and I just don't want to deal with the headache that comes with finding it and have it installed! But it is so worth it when it is done!

    1. Luckily, we didn't have to pick anything out; we just had to move our stuff. When you take that choice out, at least its one less thing. :)

  13. im so excited that it is almost Fall...and that mug would be perfect for all things hot chocolate.

    1. Oh yes! It will be perfect for a huge cup of cocoa come wintertime. :)
