Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week in Review - 9/03

Remember last week, when I said it's always something? Well, today, my phone decided to go kaput. Out of nowhere, it just attempted to restart and got stuck on the Google logo. Over and over again. I managed to log in for a few minutes, and then it happened again. After troubleshooting a couple more things, I hopped on a chat with Project Fi Support. Pretty painless and a new phone has been ordered and will (hopefully) ship tomorrow. It says it will ship tomorrow, but I'm not 100% convinced since it's a holiday and all.

Week in Review 9/03

Since it's a new month and new season (fall unofficially starts tomorrow, right?!), I'm switching up the format of these weekly posts. Hope you enjoy!

Week in Review 8/28 - 9/3

Monday, 8/28
Started the Monday off with Bobby Call HIIT Routine + 5 DMs. Nothing too remarkable about this day. Well, we had a big system roll-out at work. Day 1 was relatively smooth. :-)

Tuesday, 8/29
My phone needed to be charged when I woke up (I don't like to charge it while I sleep because that's a long time to be plugged in), so I did this run without my phone which also meant no music. To keep it interesting, I decided to throw in some speed work. I ran my usual easy pace for the first 3/4 mile and then sprinted to mile 1. Dropped down to an easy pace until mile 1.5 and then sprinted to mile 2. Repeat for mile 3. Easy pace for the final mile.

It was fun to push myself on this run! Though, it was a little sad that recovery of those sprints was so hard. My overall pace wasn't any faster than my usual easy runs. That's not abnormal, right?

There was a gorgeous sunrise that really helped to push me along. It's probably better that I didn't have my phone because I definitely would have been tempted to snap a pic instead of pushing the speed.

I had some delicious peach overnight oats after my run and a yummy salad for lunch.

Wednesday, 8/30
Started the day off with a couple workout videos - Cardio Abs (13 min) + Strong & Sexy Arms Mashup (11 min). Work was a bit stressful this day. The seemingly smooth roll-out from Monday had gotten a bit rockier by Wed. *sigh* Despite meal planning, we ordered dinner from Dog Haus.

The first week or so having my Garmin, I was really good about getting in my steps everyday. Partially because my family was in town and we walked a LOT! Since they all left, I've really struggled to get in my step goal on my non-run days. I decided I need to make that a priority, so I took a few more walk breaks during the workday and a longer potty walk with Sallie in the evening. There may have been a decent about of living room walking as well to get to 100%.

@EnjoytheCourse breaks down her week! Running + a dead phone. :-(

Thursday, 8/31
Goodbye August! You were such a fabulous month!! 💛 I kind of hate to say goodbye, but all good things must come to an end, right? I wanted to get in a 5-miler to signify the end of the month. BUT I left late and decided to take a different route. SO, I only squeezed in 4.5 miles. Still perfectly respectable.

For dinner, I made a polenta pizza with pepperoni, roma tomatoes, and fresh basil. It was delicious, though could have used a bit more sauce.

Friday, 9/1
I took a rest day and instead graded my August. **spoiler alert** I gave myself a B- for my 2017 goals, despite it being such a fabulous birthday month. Birthday celebrations don't always align perfectly with annual goals. :)

Late Thursday, my boss sent out an email declaring it Favorite Team Friday the next day. We could wear a shirt of our favorite football team. Or favorite team of another sport. We don't follow any sports, so I was going to skip it. Then, I thought RAGNAR! Perfect. :)

Unfortunately, Friday was pretty crazy at work, so no one really even noticed my cleverness. LOL

Saturday, 9/2
There is a group run on Monday (tomorrow) that I really want to do, so I decided to go for a short, easy run yesterday. I ended up going 3.3 miles, and it felt like the longest 3 miles ever! I couldn't get the music controls to work on my Garmin, and it was so frustrating/distracting. Just proves that if your head isn't in the right space (for whatever silly reason), your run is likely to suffer.

Despite the mental issues, these green shrubs that I've run by 1,000 times really just struck me as so pretty. Does that ever happen to you?

After my run, I did the Tone & Sculpt Booty Workout (10 min) + 5DMs and caught up with some of my favorite bloggers at this month's Ultimate Coffee Date.

Sunday, 9/3
This morning, I did Yoga for Strength & Tone (55 min) to start my morning. My goal was then to dye my hair, do some meal planning while the color was processing, and then go grocery shopping. Well, I got my hair dyed. Meanwhile, my phone decided to do its own thing (as previously mentioned at the beginning). I think my hair turned out nice, but you'll have to wait until my new phone arrives for proof. :-)

Runs: 3 runs | 11.81 total miles
Strength: 3 days
Yoga: 1 session
Step Goal: Achieved 5 days (still working on today) My goal is a 30-day streak!

How was your week?

I'm linking up today with guest host Montana as well Tricia & Holly for the Weekly Wrap. Have a fantastic week, everyone!

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  1. Hopefully the new phone will get there soon. I couldn't run without my music, and I've actually separated my music from my phone. I still bring it with me in my running belt, for safety, but I like the smaller iPod for my playlists.

    1. Thanks, Lesley. It hasn't shipped yet, so hopefully tomorrow it will ship and arrive on Wed. :-)

      I go through phases of running with music. Some days I need it and some days I don't. I've actually gone weeks without music before.

  2. Ugh! So sorry to hear about your phone :( I hope that the new phone comes very soon, I know how frustrating that can be!

    I'm loving the pizza that you made - it looks super yummy!!

    1. Thanks, Kim. I keep checking the order tracking for my phone. Hoping it ships today since it didn't ship on the holiday. Boooo. The pizza was so good that I made it again last night, but with a little more sauce. It was perfect!

  3. Great job with your workouts! And can I say all your food looks absolutely amazing?

    I like the Garmin but sometimes I do have issues with it, especially with Bluetooth connecting. Hopefully the syncing with music gets easier for you soon!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! The frustrating day with my Garmin was solved by simply restarting my watch! I wish I would have tried that first. LOL.

  4. I hope your new phone comes quickly! I had to replace mine within a few hours, when I smashed it right before our European vacation. Luckily the AT&T store was willing to take my money .... I always leave my phone plugged in overnight - what do you think will happen?

    1. Oh no! That sucks, but glad that AT&T was able to take your money. LOL. I'm getting mine replaced for free, so I guess that's the trade-off on waiting a couple days. ;-)

      I'm not sure that anything will necessarily happen, but I've just read it isn't great on the battery to overcharge it, so in the long run, the battery may not last as long.
