Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!
Goals For An Exciting 2018

I hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve! I spent a couple hours volunteering at a race, watched/listened to the live webcast of Times Square NYE while making chili and reading some blogs, toasted the New Year with champagne at the ball drop, watched New Year's Eve (cuz it was still 3 hours until midnight for us), and ran outside to watch the fireworks over the Strip when we heard them start from our apartment.

A pretty low-key evening but such a fun way to say good-bye to 2017
and hello to 2018!

And then I woke up this morning filled with such hope for the new year! Walking Sallie, it felt like a brand new world out there. Ripe with new experiences, adventures, and possibilities.


In the past, I've set a few very specific goals to help me shape my year. I'm doing things a little differently this year.

I'm only making two goals.

  1. Transition to Forefoot Running
  2. Become a Better Blogger

I know, I know. These goals aren't very SMART. They are general and a bit vague, so I plan on creating goals each month that will be a bit more precise and actionable.

But mostly, I plan on sitting back and seeing where 2018 takes me. I'm sure there will still be plenty of adventures, but without the pressure of forcing them.

I hope you continue to follow along.

What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Do you make SMART goals or more general goals?
What do you think makes a great blog?

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  1. I didn't blog that much in 2017. I did an average of 4 posts a month. My goal will be to up that to 6 or 8 posts a month. Happy New Year.

  2. That's such a pretty photo! Best of luck to you on your goals! I don't really make resolutions every year, but I have a ton of ongoing goals on my 101 in 1001! :]

    1. Aww, thanks, Farrah! I used Snapseed to spruce it up a bit. :) Good luck with your 101!

  3. It is perfectly ok to still be working on your goals and how to achieve them. I feel like mine are always evolving and that can be a good thing. Happy New Year!

    1. I made them nice and general this year to allow for lots of evolving. :)

  4. My goals are pretty general as well (remain injury-free and focus more on strength-training ). I usually do the monthly goal thing, which gives me a shorter time frame..and that, in turn, enables me to work on aggressive short-term goals instead.

    1. Those are always 2 great goals to have. :) I love your monthly goal thing; it may have been a bit inspiring for me.

  5. I think it's great that you'll have two main goals to focus on for 2018. I didn't make blogging one of my main goals for this year, but I do want to work on adding some different content to it.

    1. Yes, I plan on trying some new/different content as well. Best of luck to both of us!

  6. I suck at making SMART goals, and haven't really thought of anything concrete for 2018 yet. I have to figure out what I'm ready to do something about.

  7. Great goals, having two to focus will help you reach them. What makes a good blog? That's a good question, one that I've been struggling with. I brain stormed that very question in early fall 2017 and came up with: 1) Great pictures, 2) an interesting story, and 3) teaches me something. Cheers to a great 2018!

    1. Thanks, Janice! I agree on all of those things. Pictures are a real struggle for me, so I hope to make some improvements in that department. :)

  8. I don't generally make resolutions or set lofty goals. I like that you've kept it simple!

    1. Thank you! I hopeful that it's setting me up for an excellent year.

  9. Simple goals are always more attainable. And you;ll figure out how to get there :)

  10. These are great goals for 2018! My goal is to become a better and more consistent blogger too!! :-)

  11. I didn't blog much in 2017, hope to do more this year. Those are great goals, simple and attainable.

  12. Thanks, Karen! I think the transition will help me feel lighter and an overall stronger runner. I plan to write up a post this month on the why behind my transition, so stay tuned for that. :)

    Good luck with your goals this year as well.

  13. I like the simplicity of your goals. It should hopefully make it easier for you to follow through on them, and also allows for flexibility in creating shorter term milestones to work towards.

    1. Thanks, Kathryn. Yes, I'm looking forward to the flexibility of having just 2 goals and seeing how the monthly goals come together.
