Saturday, December 31, 2016

Most Liked IG Posts of 2016

Hope everyone has a fun & safe New Year's Eve tonight! I'll be lounging at home, nursing this icky cold and hoping that it doesn't last long. {Read: How to Get Over a Cold Quickly}

It's time to officially say good-bye to 2016.

Since I only really blogged for 2 months this year, I thought it would be fun to send off the year by sharing my Top 3 Most Liked Instagram posts for each month of 2016.

A photo posted by Clarinda (@enjoyingthecourse) on

Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 in Review

One of the things I love most about December is looking back at all the fun I had throughout the year. 2016 was no exception!

Here is a recap of the year. Well, since this blog was inactive most of the year, this might be new-to-you, instead of a recap. 😄 Unless you follow me on Instagram. Then this might be a recap after all. 😉

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My Year of Running 2016

Wow! It's so hard to believe that this is the final week of the year! I've been enjoying reflecting on the year and reading lots of other recaps from other running blogs.

I'm especially excited to see that the Year of Running is still a thing. It started with Amanda at Miss Zippy (no longer blogging) and is now being hosted by Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC.

My Year of Running 2016

Without further ado, here is the 2016 edition of My Year of Running.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Week in Review 12/25

Merry Christmas!

Hope you all are enjoying a lovely day with family. I'm off to run the Las Vegas Strip in my Christmas hat. More on that next Sunday. :-)

In the meantime, here is my recap of last week.

Week in Review - 12/11/16

Thursday, December 22, 2016

12 Years!

Yesterday, I celebrated 12 years of marriage to my wonderful husband, Jeff.

Over the years, we haven't ever really given each other gifts to celebrate our anniversary. However, Jeff gave me a couple little traditional gifts for our 10-year, so last year we decided that each year for the next decade for our marriage, we would choose a traditional gift together. Year 11 is steel, and we bought a wine corkscrew.

The traditional gift for a 12 year anniversary is Silk. Since we are on a tight budget right now, and didn't want to buy actual gifts that we may or may not ever use like a silk scarf (for me) or a silk tie (for Jeff), I found a restaurant called Silk Road Asian Bistro.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

My Year in Race Bling 2016

Today's topic for Tuesday's on the Run is Your year in race bling and/or pictures. I didn't run a lot of races this year, but here's the bling I managed to snag.

I didn't write a recap for all of them, but click on the pictures to read the recaps that I did write.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Week In Review 12/18

Wow! Can you believe Christmas is only 1 week from today? We don't really celebrate Christmas, but I am looking forward to running the Strip in a cute Christmasy running outfit.

But this post is about my week last week. :-)

I had a couple tough workouts, a few great runs, and a fun (but hard) experience volunteering at a race on Saturday.

Week in Review - 12/11/16

Friday, December 16, 2016

Ugly Sweater Day

Did you know that the 3rd Friday in December is Ugly Sweater Day? Yep. That's today!

I donned my ugly sweater leggings to celebrate.

My company had an ugly sweater contest last week for our holiday party. We had some pretty good contenders.

I didn't participate, but I was one of the judges. How do you judge which sweater should win? Is it the ugliest? The most creative? Store bought? Homemade? So much pressure!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Enjoy Your Run

We've all been there. Out on a run that makes you question why the hell you do this.

A run that hurts physically or mentally.
A run when your body or mind just isn't feeling it.
A run that's a struggle to put one foot in front of the other.
A run that just doesn't go as planned or as you hoped.

"Find a way to enjoy parts of every run. Most of your runs should be mostly enjoyable."
~Jeff Galloway

I love this quotation so much! But it got me thinking, How can I make most of my runs mostly enjoyable?

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Week In Review 12/11

Kind of a busy week with thrift shopping, happy hour, bowling, a company holiday and of course, all the normal running.

Week in Review - 12/11/16

Friday, December 9, 2016

My Favorite Holiday Drink at Starbucks

If you knew me in real life, you'd know how much I love Starbucks. Their drinks are delish, of course, but even more than that, I love their rewards program and their customer service is some of the best!

Since I love it so much, I thought I'd share my favorite holiday drink with you.

It starts with a venti Chestnut Praline Latte.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What Running Taught Me This Year

Last week, I stumbled upon a new {to me} link-up called Tuesdays on the Run. I'm excited to join in the fun {a day late}. This week's topic is Something new running taught you this year.

Back in 2013, I shared 4 Lessons I've Learned about Running and in 2014, I shared 5 Lessons From Running I Haven't Learned.

So, what's something NEW I've learned this year?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Week in Review 12/04

Mostly a good week last week. #RWRunStreak is going strong and I'm keeping up with my Nike+ Run Club training program, too. The cold weather sucks, but at least it's helping me run a bit FASTER! 🏃

Week in Review - 12/04/16

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Ultimate Coffee Date - December 2016

Happy December! Since it's the first Saturday of the month, it's time for the Ultimate Coffee Date with Coco & Deborah. It's always fun to catch up with all of you on what's been going over a nice hot cup of joe (or tea, in my case this morning).

The last Ultimate Coffee Date seems both like it was a long time ago and that it was just last week. Anyone else feel this way about November? Just me?

How much to do you LOVE my new December mug?
Not much snow here in Vegas, but I still love it SNOW MUCH. hehehe