Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week in Review - 4/09

Happy Sunday! How was your first full week of April? Work was a little crazy for me, but everything else was pretty good! I'm excited for the rest of the month.

Since I'm not currently training for anything in particular, I'm switching up the format for my weekly review posts.

Quick Low Down of my Workouts:

Apr 3 - April 9
(click picture to visit me on DailyMile)
Yoga:4x | 2h 30m total
Run:2x | 6.1 miles total | Avg pace - 11:09 min/mile

Not a lot of variety, but a pretty solid week of workouts.


In work-related news, I learned some new VBA tricks in Excel! I struggled and researched for HOURS before I got it to work, and when it did, oh wow! I couldn't stop smiling.

New hairdo
Last weekend, I pampered myself with some hairstyling. I colored my hair Saturday evening, and then chopped it Sunday. I've been coloring and cutting my own hair for a few years now. I always am a bit nervous to do it, but am usually happy with the results! I received lots of compliments on Monday from my coworkers, too.

National Walking Day
Wednesday was National Walking Day, so I found some time for a slightly longer walk with Sallie in the morning before work.

And then Jeff, Sallie, and I went to a park after work for an evening walk. There was a little dog park, so we let Sallie run around off-leash. She had to be coaxed a bit, but she had a great time!

Jeff also tried to teach her to dig. She couldn't care less. LOL. 

The park we went to is the nearest one to our apartment. I used to run there quite a bit a few years ago, but kind of stopped. It has really gone downhill since I was there last. The walking trail has holes in it and it is quite dirty. So sad!

Spring has sprung.
Check out these gorgeous blooming flowers in our courtyard.

Beginner's Luck 55k
I spent several hours yesterday manning one of the aid stations for this 55k trail race. It was so much fun prepping the water, snacks, etc.

But even more fun watching for the runners and then checking them in as they passed, or stopped for some refueling.

Runners passed me at around mile 16.5 and then again around mile 20. Everyone looked so great and STRONG! I was so impressed. The final runner passed the second time about 45 minutes before the cutoff. Whoo hoo!!

Even though, I had wanted to run this 55k, I was so glad I was still able to be a part of the event. There was such a positive energy out there - not just from the runners, but from other people out casually enjoying the trails. I got so many questions about what was going on, and it was fun to brag about all the runners crazy enough to tackle 35 miles.

All in all, I'd say this was a pretty good week, which means April is off to a pretty great start. :-)

How were your workouts last week? 
What was a highlight of your week?

I'm linking up today with Tricia & Holly for the Weekly Wrap.

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  1. Hi! First time reading your blog (and found you through the Weekly Wrap). Sounds like a productive week! And your hair looks great! I'd be terrified to cut my own hair, although when I was in college, I was constantly coloring my own hair various shades (everything from platinum blonde to black to orange). Now I stick close to natural with a few highlights (and I don't do it myself!).

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Christine! :) I started cutting my own hair to save some money, and now I'm not sure I could fork over the money for a professional. ;-)

  2. Wow you do a great job on your hair! I actually cut my own most of the time too but with it being curly it's kind of hard to mess it up.
    I so laugh at yall trying to teach your dog to dig. OMG can you un-teach them. My dogs use to dig up every single flower I ever planted in the yard.
    I enjoyed this relaxed weekend for me I've been quite busy with races and this was nice!

    1. My dog has always been an apartment dog, so no frequent access to a yard. lol.

  3. The last time I cut my own hair, I was in elementary school and cut my bangs because I felt they were getting too long. One of those moments where kids get a hold of scissors. My mom had to take me to get it cleaned up because it was a hack job.

    1. LOL. I think to think I'm a little better than an elementary school kid. ;-)
