Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Running with Sallie

Running in Vegas is not the most conducive to running with Sallie. There are several months when it's simply too hot for her. And her little tootsies.

But she LOVES it!

running, sallie

I took her on my 2-miler on last week. It had been her first run in months! She did a great job, and I must of lit the running fire in her. Not that she ever really lost it. :)

Later in the week, as I was getting ready to head out for my 7-miler, Sallie heard me putting on my running shorts from the other end of our apartment, and came running in the room with that happy take-me-running-with-you smile on her face. Sadly, 7 miles is simply too far for her to run.

She's just a little thing after all.

I took her out with me again last Friday for 3 miles. She was more than happy to run with me.

I love the happy smile she gives me throughout the run when she's a little ahead of me, and she turns her little head to look back at me. It can't help but make me smile, too.

running, sallie

And here are a couple cute stories from last Friday's run...

Sometimes, it hard to find grassy areas in Vegas, and Sallie LOVES to play in the grass. The LVH has a nice long patch of green, and even though we were 2 miles in, and Sallie was already pretty tired, she still ran like a crazy dog in grass. I don't know where she found the energy, but it was terribly cute.

And the cutest story...

As we were running by the Convention Center, there were some men in a golf cart. We all stopped at the same stoplight, and to Sallie's little doggie eyes, the golf cart must have looked like a mail truck. She's got a thing for the mailman - always expecting a treat from him. And she was acting the same way with the guys in the golf cart.

She pulled out her cutest begging tricks. Standing on her back legs, etc.

When the Walk sign came on, I let the cart go a little ahead of us, and she ran after it as fast as her little legs would go. On the other side of the street, the cart went into the parking lot, and we stayed on the sidewalk.

There's a little tiny wall between the sidewalk and the parking lot, and she paused to stand and gaze over the wall as the cart drove further away.

She seemed so sad to have been denied treats by the random men on the golf cart. Funny girl.

Later that day, she went to the vet. She's a couple pounds overweight, so she'll definitely be running with me every Monday for the rest of marathon training, and then hopefully a few times a week after the marathon is over.

She's definitely one of my favorite running partners. :)

Running really wipes Sallie out.

Sallie, running, tired

Do you ever run with a dog?

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  1. Sallie is so sweet! I have run with my dogs before, but they poop out pretty early in the run. Plus they pull in the beginning then I have to pull in the end. Kind of frustrating;)

    1. I totally get that. At least Sallie is little, so it's not quite so bad.

  2. I love running with my dog. She knows my running & walking clothes and goes nuts when I put them on. Apparently, if I leave her behind due to heat or distance, she howls while I"m gone. She LOVES running!

    Her reaction to the golf cart is hilarious! Such a cutie!

    1. I don't think Sallie gets that upset when I leave her behind, but she sure looks sad when I walk out the door.
