Sunday, September 1, 2013

What's for Dinner? Week of 9/1

I can't believe it's already Sept! Wasn't it just the beginning of August???

Man, time just goes by WAY too fast when you're an adult. Remember, when you were younger, and you just wanted to get to that next stage? Now, it's like, LIFE JUST SLOW DOWN A LITTLE!!

And, I don't even have kids, which I've heard just makes this all the worse. :)

Nothing like starting the post off on a tangent. lol.

menu planning

Since it's Sept, I felt like gravitating a bit more toward fall-like foods for this week's menu plan - even though it's still HOT and temperature-wise, it probably won't really feel like fall here in Vegas for at least another month or so.

I'm still gonna add some soup to the menu this week. I'm planning it for a day that's supposed to be stormy. Do you ever look at the weather forecast when doing your menu planning? Please tell me I'm not the only one. :)

Sunday - Enchiladas

Monday - Homemade pizza
This recipe comes from Mommy Run Fast. Her pizzas look so delicious! Despite not having a pizza stone or peel, I hope mine turned out delicious, too.

Tuesday - Magical Fruit Soup
Yes, I'm going to try a recipe from that Coolio cookbook I got for my birthday. I don't know why it's called Magical Fruit, as there isn't any fruit in it at all, but it did sound delicious. Coolio's cookbook is quite hilarious (but probably not appropriate for children); I should do a cookbook review of it sometime.

Wednesday - Leftovers

Thursday - Baked ziti

Friday - Leftovers

Saturday  - TBD

After rolling my ankle on Thursday morning's run, I postponed my 10-miler this weekend until today. Perfect timing to get in the first month of the Fall 5 or 10 Mile virtual race series. It's 82°F with 60% humidity out there today, so I'm going to hit up the treadmill - with Netflix to keep me company.

What are you eating this week?

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  1. Hope your ankle is okay!! And enjoy the pizza. :)

  2. I hope your ankle felt better for your run. Your menu sounds yummy!

    1. It really did, Jill, and I'm so grateful because I really didn't want to skip my long run. :)
