Thursday, February 20, 2014

Three Things Thursday - 2/19

Even with a sick day on Monday, this week seems to really be dragging. Maybe because I'm still sick?? It's been a little slow at work, which I'm counting as a blessing, because I know it never lasts very long.

I've got 3 really exciting things to share with you today.

1. Lora over at Crazy Running Girl chose me to be one of the 50 Faces of Fitness!

How awesome is that?! Head over to her blog to read a little more about ME. LOL. And check out the other Faces of Fitness.

2. I got invited on Yelp to participate in Yelp's Fit Club 2014.

I don't know if this is something available in other cities, but I'm excited to try out some fitness classes around Vegas for FREE.

I've RSVP'd to try out:
Some of these are definitely out of my comfort zone (um, CrossFit kinda scares me), but I'm excited to push myself and try new things. Maybe I'll end up falling in love. LOL.

There were some other classes that sounded really fun, but they didn't fit my schedule. :(

Now, I'm playing the waiting game to see if I'm accepted into these classes. Class sizes are limited, so I may not get in, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

3. My new Zing Anything Aqua Zinger arrived yesterday. I'm so excited to try it out, and I'm infusing my water with some strawberries and blueberries right now! Here's to drinking more delicious water!

What's going on with you today?
Do you have a favorite water infusion flavor combo?

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  1. Yes! I was so excited to have Lora contact me. :-) Sleep is the best thing when you're sick. Hope your bug doesn't last long, either.

  2. Yelp Fit Club sounds awesome.

    1. I'm super excited about it! I hope I can get into at least some of the classes I signed up for.

  3. Wow- that's a lot of free classes! I love getting a deal. Nice post at Crazy Running Girl!

  4. Well that's some cool stuff! Hope you get into some of those classes! CrossFit scares me, too, but some of the others sound interesting!

    1. Glad I'm not the only one scared of CrossFit! I'm trying to take advantage of this opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone a bit. We'll see how it goes.
