Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day + Friday = AWESOME

Well, except that I am getting sick. Sucking on a cough drop right now to soothe my scratchy throat. :-( Booo.

We don't really have any plans tonight. Just gonna make dinner and have a nice low key evening. Maybe watch a movie. We're all kinds of crazy, I know.

2014 is the year of our 10-year anniversary.

Not until December, but still. It's hard to believe it's been that long already!! Where does the time go?

We've been having lots of fun over the years, and I feel like it's still just beginning.

I'm super excited that Jeff is really getting into fitness (primarily yoga) lately! He may even pop in now and again as a guest poster right here on Enjoying the Course.

More opportunities for us to grow stronger together as a couple.

You know what they say... A couple that sweats together...

Wait. Is that a saying?! No? Well, it should be!

Off the top of my head, here are a few things that could come from working out with your partner:

  • Spending quality time together
  • More confidence - individually and as a couple
  • Increased trust - especially if trying something like acroyoga or anything that requires trust that your partner won't drop you. lol.
  • Endorphins (we all know what that can lead to - another workout *wink*)

I'm sure there are lots more benefits!

For example, couples can develop stronger emotional bonds during a good sweat fest. Just ask Elle at Eat Run Sail who recently posted about being workout partners with her husband.

Need a little more motivation to workout with your partner? daily burn recently posted 20 Partner Exercises from the Fittest Couples on Instagram. While not a workout specifically, there are some great moves here to inspire you.

Even if you're separated from your partner for travel or business or whatever, you can still workout with your partner workout through Skype, as demonstrated by Tamara at FitKnitChick.

Here's a partner yoga video that we've done a couple times. It's mostly just stretching, but it's some good stretching! And so fun!!

I'm looking forward to finding and trying more couples workouts with Jeff - be it yoga or cycling or strength training. He probably won't ever become a runner with me, and that's OK. 

I even created a Pinterest board to pin away some couple's workout ideas.

Follow Clarinda's board Couples Workouts on Pinterest.

So I'm excited. Even though we're not really celebrating Valentine's Day by doing anything special and out of the ordinary, I'm excited about our 10-year anniversary in Dec AND many, many more years and fun times ahead.

Do you work out with your partner?
What are you doing to celebrate Valentine's Day?

I'm linking up Jill for Fitness Fridays. Go check it out!

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