Sunday, February 23, 2014

What's for Dinner? Week of 2/23

This is going to be the shortest weekly workout and menu planning post EVER.

Sunday - Saturday - REST

Yep. You read that right. I didn't do one ounce minute of exercise this past week. This little cold is kicking my pa-tootie. Ugh! I've been so wiped out and tired, and I'm not seeming to get much better, but I'm going to try to start up again tomorrow anyway. We'll see how it goes...

menu planning

Instead of breaking down meals for each day, I'm just going to make a few soups this week. Each one will probably last us about 2-3 days.

Here are three I'm thinking about making. Or using for inspiration.

I'm linking up with Laura over at Mommy Run Fast and Jill at Fitness, Health, & Happiness. Go check out what everyone else is cooking up this week. Probably something more exciting than my 3 soups.

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  1. Hope you feel better soon!! Being sick sucks. :(
    That chicken parmesan soup looks delish, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Maria! I've made the chick parm soup before and my husband loved it. Hope it turns out as well the 2nd time around. :)

  2. The enchilada soup looks fabulous! Feel better soon :)

  3. Yuck! Sorry you were sick. It definitely helps to take time off to rest and sleep. Chicken Parmesan soup sounds so good!

    1. I totally agree, but after taking one week off, I'm tired of resting and sleeping. Oddly, I think it's kind of making me more tired. :( I'm trying to ease myself back into working out this week. Yay!

  4. I've been sick and haven't worked out in three days. I tried running yesterday but didn't even make it a mile. I hope you are feeling better this week! And your soups look delicious - great ideas for dinner!

    1. Sometimes it's so hard to take a break, but it sounds like you need a little more rest. :-) And maybe some soup. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Thanks! I think I'm kind of starting to get there. :)

  6. Nothing like soup to help you feel better. Hope you're back running soon!

    1. Thanks, Karla! I'm really hoping the soup does the trick. :-)

  7. They all look good! Pinned the Slow Cooker Chicken Parmesan Soup!
