Monday, August 4, 2014

July in Review

What? It's already August 4th? I feel like this month is going to be over in the blink of an eye! Lots of fun things coming up this month, but this post is about July.

I fully intended on posting a recap on 7/31, but all of a sudden last week was over. CRAZY!

Let's start with a few highlights from July.

I created a delicious fruit dip!

Creamy Peanut Butter Vanilla Fruit Dip |

I did a few fitness challenges (almost).

#30dayfitness Little Black Dress challenge. I made it about 20 or so days until the number of burpees was just too much.

#30dayfitness Abs challenge. I've got a few more days left, but I saw great improvements in July with this challenge!

And of course my running and yoga challenge! There's less than a week left, so you should sign up today to be entered to win some fun prizes!

My birthday streak is almost over!

I've been really good with the #ETCRunStreak part of the challenge, but I've kind of dropped off with the #ETCYogaStreak. I ought to pick that back up for the rest of the streak, BUT it's difficult to find the time with running and the abs challenge.

I created a yoga sequence for runners.

Yoga Flow for Runners

We did our first lake swim at Boulder Beach

Boulder Beach at Lake Mead

We also purchased an Inter-Agency Park Pass, so we're looking forward to many more trips to Lake Mead, Red Rock, and (hopefully) the Grand Canyon.

I became an ambassador for Cocogo! Love this stuff! You can get 40% off your order by entering ENJOYINGTHECOURSE at checkout. Can't wait to represent at my next race!!

Drink Cocogo! Real Fruit Hydration

I also got accepted as a Sweat Pink ambassador!

That's a lot of highlights! Guess it was a pretty great month. :)

Time to check in on my 2014 goals.

Individual Goals

Fitness goals - Run Faster and Train Harder
The two #30dayfitness challenges I started in July helped a LOT with the training harder. I just hope I can keep up with it once this abs challenge ends.
Running faster? Nope. Triple digit heat + streaking = No speed work.

Blogging goals
To be honest, I didn't really put in as much effort with promoting my blog in July as I did in June, and my page views dropped by about 250 - which is kind of a lot when you consider how few they are to begin with. :) Hope to be better about this in Aug! I did gain about 130 Twitter followers, so that's pretty awesome!
  • Monday Listicles? The host has been enjoying her vacation month, so I didn't write a single list in July. Maybe I'll just go rogue while she's still on vacation and do my own lists? Probably not, to be honest.
  • Tuesday's Tips? I've struggled with this one since about Feb or Mar. I think it's time to retire it.
  • Fitness Friday posts? I had some great ideas, but lacked the follow-through. :( I only linked up twice. My birthday party and the Gifts for the party.
  • What's for Dinner/Week-in-Review posts? I didn't miss a single week!

Goals with Jeff

Run a Triathlon. We haven't signed up yet, but we have decided on the Pumpkinman Triathlon at Lake Mead. This is perfect for us because it's close enough that we can drive out to Lake Mead on the weekends to swim the exact course of the race. Real training for this is going to start after the E.T. Full Moon Midnight Half Marathon that we will be running next weekend.

Read 3 books together. Nope. Not yet.

New in 2014. We're going to count our Lake Mead swim as our something New in 2014. This was our first time actually swimming in a lake. We've lounged and played. We've Scuba dived. But we've never actually tried swimming, so there you go.

New in 2014 | Enjoying the Course

Enriching Activities. No updates on this in July, but we did make some plans for what to do for the rest of year.

What was your biggest highlight from July?
How are you doing with your 2014 goals?

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  1. Congratulations on a great month! I didn't know you made a yoga sequence for runners, I'll have to try that out for sure! I think the thing I'm happiest about July was that I'm back to training for a half marathon for the first time in almost 2 years. This has been a great summer!

    1. Awesome that you're back to training for a half! When's your race?
