Tuesday, May 8, 2018

7 Goals to make this year's #TIUBikiniSeries the BEST EVER

I just finished Day 2 of the Tone It Up Bikini Series! This is gonna be MY YEAR!!

Last weekend was spent really preparing for it, because I really want to see some amazing results at the end of the 8 weeks. Since I want this to be the best Bikini Series, I went to bed Sunday night with #allthefeels. So much excitement and nerves. Like when you know something super fun is happening the next day. Tell me you know what I'm talking about!

As a result, I didn't sleep very well Sunday night.

It didn't matter because Day 1 was a smashing success! And I slept much better Monday night. I rocked Day 2 as well. I'm pretty confident I'm gonna rock all 8 weeks. πŸ˜†

The girls at Tone It Up are pretty great at making the plan for us, but I need some goals to really help me stick to it. So, in addition to my May goals, here are my Bikini Series specific goals.

Tone It Up Bikini Series 2018 Goals

Drink at least 72 oz of water daily

Water is so important! But I know I don't consistently drink enough. My coworkers might tell a different story with the number of bathroom breaks I take. That's why this is my Number 1 goal. Drinking water will help keep my insides clean and also my belly full.

Complete the Toning Moves daily

Each day there are about 5 daily moves and we usually do 2-3 sets. This is the bare minimum. There is also at least one recommended video to do at home, and I still plan on running 3 times a week. The TIU Vegas girls are pretty awesome and there are already whisperings of group workouts scattered throughout the next 8 weeks. I'm looking forward to getting to know more of these amazing women.

The #TIUBikiniSeries is finally here! @EnjoytheCourse is gonna rock the series this year to make it her best year EVER. Just check out her #goals!

Check in on IG daily

I'll be posting a lot to IG Stories with my check-ins throughout the day - my workouts, meals, etc. You've been warned. 😜 I also hope to post at least once per day to my feed.

Take progress pics on Sundays

I took my Before pic the day before the series started. Maybe you saw it on IG stories. It's not horrible, but it's definitely not where I want to be. I want to be super picky and point out all the areas that I want to fix, but I also DO NOT want to be that girl. What I want. What I really, really want is to see more definition and tone across the board. Head to toe, front to back. Is that too much to ask? Heheh.

#TIUBikiniSeries 2018 Before Pic

Meal plan & prep weekly 

Exercise alone isn't going to get me there. I know that. I also know that without a meal plan, I'm pretty rubbish about ordering in or scrounging a not-the-healthiest dinner. Planning and prepping will give me the confidence to make nutrition and eating well easier throughout the week. Because we all know that abs are made in the kitchen. πŸ˜€

Lose 10+ pounds

10 lbs in 8 weeks should be totally do-able, right?! Sticking to the workouts and planning my meals should get me there. I hate putting a number on it, but every time I step on my scale it reminds me how much I've gained since I first got it more than 5 years ago. That is a number I do not like very much.

Rock a bikini

This may be last in this list of goals, but it kind of ranks in my heart higher than the previous one. I want to feel confident in a bikini! Well, in all of my clothes, actually. There are a number of articles in my closet that no longer fit. And some of them I really miss wearing. So, really this final goal is about getting back into my skinny clothes and being confident in not just a bikini but all my clothes.

What goals are you currently working on? What types of goals keep you motivated during a long challenge? Are you doing the Bikini Series this year? 

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