Monday, May 21, 2018

Weekly Wrap - May 20

Linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. Be sure to stop by their blogs to see what everyone else was up to last week.

Note to Self: Do not try to do the grocery shopping and meal prepping and laundry on the same day. It simply takes too long and then you don't have time to post your Weekly Wrap on Sunday evening. 😜

Weekly Wrap

Week 2 of the Bikini Series was another great week! I dropped another 2.4 pounds, which means I'm already halfway to my goal of 10 lb weight loss. 💃 My coworker brought me back a coffee cake from San Diego, which I snacked on all week! It was delicious, even though it probably wasn't the healthiest. All good in moderation, right?

I did have to take a complete rest day on Thursday and may have raided the candy bin at work as well, but it's all good, because one day didn't lead into multiple days. :)


This was a good day! I got all the moves done before work plus a killer, quick booty barre video. It hurts so good!

2 rounds of 25: Bridge Openers | Down Dog Booty Lifts | Squat Up-Downs | Booty Band Shuffle | Standing Booty Lifts
Booty Barre with Jillian - This kills my booty every time!

I also went for a midday walk during lunch.

M1: 2 egg muffins + ¼ avocado + salsa | M2: Slimdown Smoothie | M3: Salad + mango | M4: Matcha Protein Bites | M5: Moroccan Dish

I also took some progress pics.


My running has been consistent enough that I decided it was time for a group run! I skipped my morning run to join up with a group after work. It was a gorgeous evening! Oh, and I ran 4 miles - my longest run of the year. It felt great, but my feet weren't too happy with me afterwards. Not sure if it was my socks, shoes, the downhill, or the forefoot strike, but the balls of my feet were sore and I had a little blister between my big toe and the ball of my foot. It was weird. All that said, I'm still happy that I went the extra mile. :)

2 rounds of 25: Around the World Planks | Wood Chop | Lat Pulldown | Upright Rows | Curl+Press
Bikini Arm Tone
4-mile run | 10:06 min/mi pace | Gorgeous evening for a group run!

M1: 2 egg muffins + ¼ avocado + salsa | M2: Coffee Cake (not-TIU-Approved) | M3: Salad + strawberries | M4: Matcha Protein Bites | M5: Black Bean Tacos (lettuce for shells)

Weekly Wrap - May 14-20


This morning workout included both burpees and bikini walkouts. Kill. Me. Now. I'll admit I kind of half-assed it on this one. And I only made it through one round, instead of the two. It was simply all I could manage.

30 jump rope (sans rope) | 25 bikini walkouts+plank jack | 25 burpees+pushup (well, about half included pushups) | 30 seconds jump rope (sans rope) | 25 squats
Post Workout Recovery Class - Love this yoga video! I've done it a few times and it's so great after working out.

M1: 2 egg muffins + ¼ avocado + salsa | M2: Coffee Cake (not-TIU-Approved) | M3: Salad + strawberries | M4: Matcha Protein Bites | M5: Lean Bowl


All the work stress of the past few weeks hit me hard! Plus all the workouts. I had zero motivation to do anything before work. I didn't go back to sleep but I didn't work out, either. I decided to push it to after work.

But when I got home, there was a notice on our door that on 5/21 they were beginning preparations to paint the exterior of our apartment building. The notice asked that all patio furniture, etc be removed and that if it wasn't done by Fri, 5/18, management would remove it. So, we cleaned off our patio. It didn't actually take that long, but I was beat after a very stressful/annoying day at work. The workout was completely scrapped.


M1: Matcha Pancakes | M2: Coffee Cake (not-TIU-Approved) | M3: Lean Bowl | M4: Cinnamon Smoothie | M5: Lean Bowl

2 weeks into the #TIUBikiniSeries and still going STRONG! @EnjoytheCourse had another great week - despite a few food indulgences.


After Thursday's rest day, I did both the Thu and Fri daily moves! I was supposed to do 2 rounds of the moves, but I didn't have time (or motivation) to do 2 rounds of the moves for both days.

Sallie wasn't ready to get up yet, I guess. When I tried to get her to move out of the middle of my bed, so I could fold it up, she just moved to the head next to my pillow. I folded my bed right up to her, and she just stayed there staring at me.

25 Ball Rollout | 25 Mountain Climbers | 25 Ball Pike | 25 V-Sit Crunches | 25 Toe Touches
Tone It Up Gorgeous Core
25 Single Leg Deadlifts+Row | 30 second Squat Jacks | 25 Bridge+Chest Press | 25 Bikini Walkout+Tummy Toner | 30 jump rope (sans rope)
Sunset Sculpt

My boss was travelling most of the week, but was back in the office for a few hours on Friday. He needed to meet with me when I normally watch General Hospital. By time we were finished, I was only able to catch the last few minutes of the show. I spent the rest of my lunch break going for a nice long walk.

M1: Morning Mocha Smoothie + banana | M2: Coffee Cake (not-TIU-Approved)  | M3: Black Bean Tacos | M4: Coffee Cake (not-TIU-Approved)  | M5: Tray Dinner

I had planned on eating a small portion of the coffee cake, like I had Tue-Thu, and bring the rest home to enjoy over the weekend. That did not happen. Nope, I ate the remaining third Friday morning. Whoops!


I was going to have some lovely hiking pictures to share with you, but after the stressful week I had at work, I decided to sleep in instead. My body really needed the rest because I ended up taking an afternoon nap as well.

2 rounds of 25: Plank jacks | Bicycles | Knee to elbow crunch | Biceps Curls (7.5 lb dumbbells) | Forward to lateral raises (half no weight; half 5 lb dumbbells)
High Energy Yoga Fit - If you're looking for an amazing total body workout, here is the video for you! I opted not to use weights and could definitely still feel the burn.

I played around after the arm moves with some arm circles, side bends, etc - just moving to some music.

After my nap, I took Sallie for about an hour long walk. We had a lot of fun! Sometimes, she has this weird thing with wanting to walk on walls. She's a little thing, but jumped up on this hip-height wall! I may have had to help her down.

M1: Avocado Smoothie | M3: EBTKS Salad | M4: Berry Cauliflower Smoothie | M5: White Bean Chili


I didn't do the shopping on Saturday, so that meant I had to work, workout, grocery shop, meal prep, and do some laundry! It was a long day!! Even though, I'm slow at meal prepping, I've actually come to enjoy it a bit on Sundays. It's my me-time. 😍

2 rounds of 25: Weighted side lunges (10-lb kettlebell) | Lifted sumo squats (10-lb kettlebell) | Deadlifts (10-lb kettlebell) | Booty kickbacks (each leg) | Side plank lifts (each leg)
5k run | 10:19 min/mi pace
Yoga for a Dull Moment

It was getting really hot during my run and couldn't stop sweating when I got back home! Plus my upper arms started chafing. :( Despite all that, I'd still say it was a decent run, if not a bit slower than usual.

M1: Superfood Parfait + banana  |  M3: Starbucks Cold Brew Blonde Cappuccino + Honey Stinger Snack Bar | M4: Snickerdoodle Mini Muffins | M5: White Bean Chili

ICYMI: Posts from Last Week

6 Surefire Ways to Make You Run Faster - This is my attempt at a humorous post on unconventional ways to run faster, like snakes, menacing clouds, or a great song on your playlist.

5 Reasons Why I Miss Bike Commuting - Friday was National Bike to Work Day, so I reflected on what I miss about bike commuting, aka 5 reasons to Love Bike Commuting.

Click on the images to read the posts.

6 Surefire Ways to Make You Run Faster
5 Reasons Why I Miss Bike Commuting

Do you feel guilty when you need to catch up on some sleep? Do you take walk breaks during the workday? Does your dog do anything weird, like jump on walls, when out for a walk?

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  1. It's great to see you running again! Did you ever successfully change your foot strike?

    Sundays are my meal plan/grocery shop/laundry day! I prepare my Sunday post during the week and put the finishing touches on before I publish. Otherwise I'd never get it done!

    Have a great week!

    1. My foot strike is primarily changed! Now, I'm just working up to longer distances. :)

      I'm trying to learn to be a more efficient blogger, but it's definitely a work in progress. :)

  2. Sallie is the cutest thing! Congrats on your longest run of the year. I'm getting arm chafe now, when I never did before. It's weird. I try my best to do my grocery shopping and chores during the week so I can have my weekends for fun and relaxation. Thanks for linking!

    1. Thank you! I tend to agree that she's the cutest. :)

      Arm chafing has always been an issue for me. :( I'll need to switch up my grocery shopping/meal prepping because we've got plans for weekend road trips. :)

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