Tuesday, May 15, 2018

6 Surefire Ways to Make You Run Faster

Looking to increase your pace and run faster?

With a little good (bad?) luck and some planning, a speedier pace could be easier than you think! These 6 things are sure to put that pep in your step and push your pace just a bit faster.

Snakes along your running path.

Have you ever not increased your pace when encountering several snakes on your running route? I'm not sure I'd believe you if you said Yes. lol

          Dear Snakes,
          Please stay out of my view and let me enjoy my run.
          Thank you.

Menacing clouds in the sky.

The moment those storm clouds get real is the moment your legs naturally start pumping a little faster. No one wants to get stuck in an unplanned storm.


Maybe the clouds aren't enough to get you going. Lightning surely will! If it strikes during a race, you may even find yourself with a shiny new PR.

Want to run faster? Here are 6 surefire ways to get your pace to the next gear. No training necessary. Just a little luck and maybe a little planning. 😏😅😜 via @EnjoytheCourse #runchat

On the less frightening side...

The perfect song on your playlist.

There was a time when headphones were banned at a lot of races partially for safety but also because the rhythm is gonna get you! Doesn't the right song just PUMP. YOU. UP?!

A slightly faster runner just ahead of you.

Don't lie. I know you've seen that runner just up ahead and pushed it just a little bit harder to pass them or beat them to the finish line. On the opposite side, if you see someone gaining on you, that can be the perfect motivation for you to kick it up a gear as well!

A post-run date (coffee, brunch, etc) with someone you're not running with.

If none of those are working for you, try scheduling something post-run that commits you to finishing your run at a certain time. You wouldn't want to keep them waiting, would you?

Sure, there are also exercises and speed work. Hill work, too. But these just a little more fun/scary/effective? 😜

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