Thursday, December 5, 2013

Three Things Thursday - 12/5

Super quick post this morning! Here are 3 things on my mind.

1) Did you notice my new blog design? I worked on it most of last weekend, and finally was able to get it all installed this morning. Which took me a bit longer than I'd anticipated. And the reason why this post has to be super quick. I still need to get ready for work!! Argh. BUT... what do you think? Jeff says it's a bit holiday-esque, but I like it. I'd love your feedback. :)

2) I'm having lunch with my boss this afternoon to discuss possibly changing my role at work. I'm so nervous about the possibility of change, BUT I don't want to hold myself back out of fear either.

3) Katie flies in today!! I'm incredibly excited to finally meet her in person. We're going to check out the Strip tonight and tomorrow we head to Mesquite for Saturday's marathon. You didn't really expect me not to mention the marathon, did you? Safe travels, Katie!! See you soon.

There's a 4th thing on my mind today, too. I posted about it last night, but in case you missed it, go check it out. Hint: It's fricken cold outside!!

What's going on with you today?

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  1. I love the new design! I looks really clean and functional. I can see where someone might say it looks holiday-y, but I don't think it will look dated or out of place in a few months. Stars and ribbons are pretty timeless.

    1. Thanks, Rabia! I'm really pretty proud of how it turned out.

  2. I love the new design! Not too holiday-esque at all. Hope your meeting had a super good outcome! And yes, for marathon running, that is going to be a cold start!! It's supposed to be -2 here in Reno overnight Saturday - I can barely even imagine it. New experiences for this Northwest native girl :)

    1. The marathon organizers are being pretty flexible and doing their best to help us have a great race experience despite the cold. Yay! I'm sure it will turn out just fine.

  3. The first thing I noticed when I saw your blog is the great design! Did you do it yourself? I like the stars on the "string" in the sidebar and the description of yourself with the different fonts and colors. I hope your marathon goes well and that it snows! I only say that because you wrote that you wanted it to snow, though!

    1. Hi Tina! Yep. I did the design myself. I'm so glad you like it :)

    2. Have you thought about writing a post about designing your own blog? I know I'd be interested!

    3. And give away all my secrets? Lol. :-) Great idea, though. Maybe next year.
