If it's possible, June flew by even FASTER than April or May!! 2017 will be over before we know it. Or maybe it will slow down after I turn 40 in August. LOL.
After 8 weeks of the Bikini Series, I needed a break from running and regular strength training. I still kept up with the RW Run Streak, but kept each run to 1 mile in order to focus more on yoga.
I tried to get in some longer yoga videos this week. Saturday's was particularly good. It was really tough and I had to do some modifying, but at the end, I was so happy.
I really love the heat; it's one of the reasons I live in Las Vegas. It's been over 110°F this past week. While I think it feels fabulous, I've been doing my runs before work. The thought of running in the sunshine and heat after work just didn't seem very smart. :-)
Highlights of the Week:
Moon Valley Nursery
I played hooky from work on Friday (pre-approved, of course), and we made a little visit to the Moon Valley Nursery. Jeff had gone earlier in the week to look at their lemon trees and discovered they have a lot of tropical birds, so he wanted me to see some of the wildlife at the nursery. It was really fun!
There was a toucan that was pretty noisy and a ponds full of turtles.
I think there were some koi in the pond as well. :-)
There were quiet a few other birds in cages throughout the nursery. My favorite was Cool Whip.
Stanley B Spring Trail
Today, we headed up to Mt Charleston to beat the heat and cross off June's new trail.
I think this is one of my new favorite trails! There were lots of interesting things to look at - trees, caves, bushes, etc. It was a pretty easy trail to navigate with quite a bit of shade (compared to most Vegas trails).
The views were spectacular!
There is a spring at the end, but we didn't make it all the way. Sallie was getting too hot and too tired, so we decided to turn around.
I'll try to write a whole review post on the trail. It's definitely one that we want to do again.
How was your week? Do you ever just take a break from your regular workouts to focus on one thing? Tweet
I'm linking up today with Tricia & Holly for the Weekly Wrap.
Today marks the end of the Tone It Up Bikini Series. It's hard to believe it's been 8 weeks already! It went by pretty fast. Probably because I was working so hard. :-D
Goal Check-In:
NO Fast Food ✔
Starbucks 1x per week ✔
72 oz of water a day ✔
Stick to the workout plan ✔Well, I did skip one workout this week due to time.
Sub 10:00 min/mile - Current avg pace: 10:24
Lose 10 lbs - ↓ 11.8 lbs
But they don't tend to fill me up. I can easily scarf down 3-4 normal homemade muffins with my morning coffee. And then need to force myself to stop. the. madness.
I wanted to create a muffin with a little more oomph! aka. protein.
It was about time use up the leftover shredded zucchini in my freezer and I found this recipe on Pinterest that looked like a promising place to start for my concoction.
I can hardly believe that I just finished week 7 of the Bikini Series! It's gone by so fast, though I will admit that this past week was a little difficult to focus. I'm kind of ready for a break after working so hard.
One more week to go!
But I need to start thinking about what's next, so I'm ready to go when the series comes to an end next Sunday. I definitely want to keep up with strength training but include more yoga. I'm sure I'll come up with something throughout the week.
Goal Check-In:
NO Fast Food ✔
Starbucks 1x per week ✔
72 oz of water a day ✔
Stick to the workout plan ✔
Sub 10:00 min/mile - Current avg pace: 10:27
Lose 10 lbs - ↓ 9.4 lbs
Yes, after six weeks of dedicated hard work during the Bikini Series, I'm starting to see some real progress. I can't give all the credit to working out every day, though.
No, my success is also partly due to watching what I eat and trying to make healthier choices.
I gave up fast food. I committed to drink at least 72 oz of water a day. I tracked all my food {most days}.
These small changes helped a lot, but I needed a little more.
Enter EatSmart Scales.
This might be the most amazing kale salad ever, and it's just something I threw together before work one day. It totally made me late, but it was so worth it come lunchtime. In fact, I had it for lunch a few days in a row, and I looked forward to it each day!
The key to a great kale salad is to massage it a bit with oil, or dressing, before adding all the other ingredients. It really tenderizes the kale while simultaneously changing the flavor from bitter to sweet and nutty.
It might seem a little weird at first to really get in there with your bare hands, but seriously, it will change the way you feel about kale!
OMG! Guys, when I stepped on the scale this morning, I broke the 160 barrier!! I could hardly believe it. It's been far too long since I'd seen a number under 160. It was definitely a nice surprise to start my day.
Only two more weeks left in the Bikini Series. I'm really excited about how well I've stuck to the workouts and how focused I've been on eating better. I'm hoping that much of it sticks around long after the series comes to an end.
Goal Check-In:
NO Fast Food ✔ technically, I was good this week, BUT I did break last Sunday after last week's update.
Starbucks 1x per week ✔ since I broke on Sunday with fast food, I decided ZERO Starbucks this week. Success!
72 oz of water a day ✔
Stick to the workout plan ✔
Sub 10:00 min/mile - Current avg pace: 10:20 with temps getting hotter and hotter, not sure I'm going to make sub-10 during this challenge. Maybe in the fall.
Lose 10 lbs - ↓ 8.4 lbs