Friday, March 2, 2018

What Made February Great and Promising Goals for March

Man, February really flew by! I feel like I said that at the beginning of every month last year. Will 2018 fly by just as quickly?! Time, won't you please slow down just a little bit?

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France

I'm definitely trying to accomplish great things this year, so I'm going to act and plan and dream and believe. How about you? What are you going to accomplish this year?

Part of all this is also analyzing and evaluating. How am I doing on my goals? What are my next steps to get me where I wanna go?

Quick recap of February's goals

Despite February going by so quickly, I'm really proud of what I accomplished this month. I'm starting to feel some momentum and it feels pretty great!

1  Transition to Forefoot Running

Research forefoot running techniques ☑
I actually did some research this month! Most significantly, I learned how forefoot running isn't the same as toe running. What a relief. 😜 This is probably research I should have done prior to embarking on this journey, but on the other hand, embarking on the journey is what actually pushed me to learn what I've learned. 😏

Practice and work up to 5 minutes running outside ☑
I actually worked my way up to running 10 minutes outside and got in a full mile! Well, I think it was 10:03 for the mile. I definitely call that a WIN!

Massage and toe sitting 3x per week 😞
I don't know what my problem is with this, but I just never seem to have the energy, motivation, or time to do this in the evenings after work. I wanted this to become a habit, but I really need to rethink this one.

Rachel's Supermans, Squats, & Twists challenge ☑
This challenge was perfect! I only had to shift one day but definitely made up for it the next day.

Yoga 2x per week ☑
Another WIN!

A Squats, Lunges, Push-ups challenge with some FB friends (maybe)
Good thing this was an optional goal. I totally did not make it a priority.


2  Improve my Blog

Write 10 new posts 

February Goals | Ultimate Coffee Date | Weekly wrap - January 29-February 4 | Five Things I'm Loving | Weekly Wrap - February 5-11 | Forefoot Running Explained | Weekly Wrap - February 12-18 | Once More to the Runfessional | Weekly Wrap - February 19-25 | 5 Heart-Pumping Workouts

Revive 1 old post 
5 Reasons to Love Running

Schedule social shares of new and revived posts 
I did pretty well with this throughout the month. I tried to take a few minutes after publishing each post to schedule some shares on Facebook and Twitter. I wasn't perfect about it but definitely better than in the past.

Address Google Analytics notifications 
Done! I created an IP filter, set a couple GA goals, Set an Industry Category, and Linked Search Console into GA.

Since one of my goals is to improve my blog, some blog stats:

Keep in mind my blog is pretty small, but I'm hoping to see some real growth this year.

The past 30 days compared to the previous 30-day period, my:
  • Users increased by 16.9% (574 vs 491)
  • Pageviews decreased by -18.61% (1,833 vs 2,252)
  • Sessions increased by 0.92% (772 vs 765)
These numbers seem a little discouraging, but I'm not going to let it get me down just yet.

Nearly 60% of my traffic is coming from Social channels ↣ Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.

My most popular post of the month was 5 Simple Reasons to Love Running, which is surprising to me because it's the post I revived from 2013. The revival happened only this past Sunday. 

@EnjoytheCourse finished all but one of her February goals. What does she have planned for March?

Promising Goals for March

1  Transition to Forefoot Running

I'll probably still do some forefoot running research and {hopefully} some toe and foot care, but I'm not making them a specific goal this month.

Last month, I started taking my runs outside. I started with about 5 minutes and worked my way up to a 10 min / 1 mile run. I'm going to build on that in March with 2 runs each week. I'm thinking Wed mornings and either Sat or Sun on the weekends.

I'm increasing my yoga from 2 to 3 times per week. Because, why not?

Rachel is hosting another challenge in March! It's kind of a combo of the Jan and Feb challenges and I'm excited to see where it takes me.

The last goal in this section isn't really related to forefoot running, but my eating has gotten a little out of control and I want to reign it in a bit. I'm taking baby steps with this one.😉

March Goals |

2  Improve my Blog

  • Write 10 new posts
  • Revive 1 old post
  • Create Google Analytics Dashboard
  • Apply for campaigns weekly
The post writing was successful last month, so I'm keeping those goals for March. If I'm successful again this month, I'll drop it as a goal and consider it a habit. Unlisted part of this is to continue scheduling social shares immediately after publishing a post.

Creating a GA Dashboard is making a comeback. It was a failed January goal, but I think it will be helpful, so I'm really going to try to create one this month.

Finally, I signed up for a bunch of blogging networks back in December {I think} and haven't done anything more than sign up. Not sure how successful I will be in actually being chosen for campaigns, but I want to devote some time this month to giving it a shot.

How was your February? Any goals for March? Are you doing the Total Body challenge with Rachel?

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Facebook → EnjoyingtheCourse
Google+ → Enjoying the Course
Pinterest → clarindad

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