Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thoughts on Streaking

Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday!

I've been streaking every day since Memorial Day, and today was the last day of the Runner's World Summer Run Streak.


And here's a badge to prove it. :-D

This was my first ever streak, so I thought I'd share a few thoughts on my experience.

When I started the streak, I thought it, "One mile a day? Easy-peasy!"

But you know what? Streaking is HARD! Even at just one mile a day, it takes time. The majority of my runs were under 10 minutes, but with a warm-up and a cool-down and occasionally stretching, it really took a lot more time than I expected. Time that kept me from doing other workouts.

Or stretching. Streaking did not make me any more of a stretcher than before - though it should have. My legs often felt heavy during these runs, and stretching probably would have really helped, but I generally ran out of time before I needed to get ready for work or go to bed.

Most of the time, I tried to run in the mornings before work, but the weekends were the toughest! I know that most runners take advantage of not having work on the weekends to go for longer runs, but with a couple of serious heat waves, motivation on the weekends was difficult! There were definitely a few runs that I barely made it out the door before midnight.

Like I mentioned, streaking was way more difficult than I'd ever imagined it would be. By Day 11, I was starting to re-think the whole streak thing.

But I continued to plod along. It was a real struggle until probably around Day 28. Getting to that home stretch really changed things! Suddenly it wasn't nearly as much of a struggle, and found myself actually looking forward to my runs again. Woo hoo!

So, it was with mixed feelings that I went on my final run this morning. I'm elated that a stuck it out and finished, but I'm also a little sad that it's over.

What's next? I'll be taking a running hiatus for at least two weeks.

In the middle of the streak, there were definitely more than a few runs where the only thing that kept me going was the thought of a running hiatus.

Now, it's really difficult to imagine not going for a run tomorrow.

During my hiatus, I'll be focusing on yoga and strengthening my core. I'm hoping to start marathon training in August, and I want to be strong and prepared, so I can better enjoy training.

Some fun random facts about this streak.

  • 22 of the 39 runs were one milers.
  • My fastest pace was a 1-miler @ 7:44 (day 31)
  • My slowest was 6.6 miles @ 11:21 (day 1)
  • 5 of the runs were non-timed - just enjoying the course. :-)
  • 23 of the runs were sub-10min paces - 3 being sub-8s. 

Would I do it again? Absolutely! While it took awhile to get into a groove, I really enjoyed the streak and am so happy that I made it through to the end.

Did you streak?
Any fun plans for the 4th of July?

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  1. You're so awesome!!
    Ok, now I wanna streak! Too bad the challenge is over.
    It rained here ALL day long on the 4th, so we didn't do anything fun. But it was still nice to have the day off!

    1. Thanks, Katie! The next RW Run Steak will be near the winter holidays, though I'm not exactly sure when. Of course, you can also do your own streak anytime. :)
      Bummer about the rain! We've had a couple tiny sprinkles here the past couple of days.

  2. Congrats on finishing!!! I can definitely see how a streak would be difficult. Like I said before, you are so dang fast!!!! Sub 8? Holy moly!

    1. Thanks, Tyly! It was only a couple times, and I'm not to a point where I can maintain it longer than 1 mile, but I'm working on it. :) I still consider myself mostly a 10-min/mile girl, though.
