Tuesday, July 30, 2013

5k MY Way

I'm super excited to announce this! I've teamed up with a few other bloggers, and we're introducing a fun challenge/program for all of you who are thinking about running your first 5k.

This brilliant idea came to Annica Nicole on a recent run. Why not create a program that offers more than advice and training tips, but includes the social interaction of others just like you?

Introducing 5k MY Way

If you've been following me for awhile, you know that I love to run, but I'm no running expert, and while running is my favorite form of exercise, there are times when I don't run for weeks.

This program will be great, because I know I'm going to learn so much from all the participants as well as the other coaches!

If you're considering training for your first 5K, NOW is the time.

The challenge will begin on Monday, 8/5, and you'll be set to run a 5K sometime in Oct. The training plan will be flexible, and you can run whenever wherever you'd like. The 5K is up to you as well. Sign up for something local, totally rock it (I know you will), and then come back and brag.

Come back? Oh, did I forget to mention that you'll be a part of a private Facebook group just for the participants and the coaches. A nice safe place to ask questions, get training tips, and feel the support from others just like you. Plus we've got our own hashtag - #5kMYWay

Spread the word now and share your experiences throughout the challenge.

We're also going to have some mini challenges - not necessarily all specifically running related. So, this is going to be so. much. fun!

Have I piqued your interest? Are you ready for your first 5K? You can get even more details here or you click the link below to sign up.

If you've already had the experience of running a 5k, please share this challenge with anyone you know who might be interested.

I can't wait for Monday!!

If you've run a 5k, what do you remember about your first race?
If you've never run a 5k, what's holding you back?

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  1. What a great idea! My first 5K was in May 2010 and I feel like I still remember it like it was yesterday.

    1. My first 5K was back in Aug 2001. I walked the entire thing with my sisters, because we'd partied a bit too much the night before for my birthday. Oops!
