Sunday, July 7, 2013

What's for Dinner? Week of 7/7

Once again, I didn't really stick to the meal plan last week. Looking back, I can't even remember what I ate each night.

I accidentally threw out the recipe for the enchiladas I wanted to make last Sunday (it was on the back of a bag of shredded cheese), so I improvised and made some really delicious, hearty enchiladas. You can find the recipe here.

I still never ended up making that butternut squash and spinach strata. It just seemed too risky to use all that bread and eggs when I was too skeptical of Jeff liking it. Instead I used the squash and spinach in a pasta dish and a smoothie the next morning.

I'm feeling really good about this week's menu.

Sunday - Eggplant Parmesan
I got a couple of eggplants in this week's Bountiful Baskets, so I found a couple recipes on Pinterest for those.  Here is one.

Monday - Leftovers

Tuesday - Easy Pasta and Broccoli
Again, from Pinterest. Menu planning is just so much easier with Pinterest. :) I pinned this a year ago, but never tried it. There was a small bunch of broccoli in our Bountiful Baskets, which Jeff hates, but this recipe looked so good to me this morning! I may just have to make him regular pasta.

Wednesday - Leftovers and/or salad

Thursday - Eggplant rolls
And another Pinterest recipe for eggplant. Hope it's a hit! :) I'll be skipping the mini potatoes.

Friday - Leftovers and/or salad

Saturday - Pasta
We have some leftover pasta sauce in the fridge that I don't want to go bad, like the last jar. Of course, with the two eggplant dishes, this might not be an issue.

Oh, I split a 25-lb case of peaches with a couple co-workers, which gave us each about 2-dozen peaches. That's a LOT of peaches. I think I'll probably make/freeze some into puree to use in place of oil in baked goods. I'm also considering baking a peach pie or some peach quick break. This morning I made some vegan peach french toast. It was divine.

What are you eating this week?
Any favorite peach recipes or uses?

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  1. Looks like an eggplant of a week to me! ;)

  2. Those eggplant rolls sound really good! I don't always stick to the plan either but as long as I use all the produce up (as you did) I'm happy! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yeah, I hate it more when food goes to waste than when I don't stick to my plan. :)

  3. Vegan peach french toast? Yum! What recipe are you using? We were at a farm yesterday for produce and the farmer was raving about how good peaches have been this season. The eggplant rolls look yummy!

    Thanks for linking up with Laura and I :)

    1. I kind of just made the recipe up. I think it might work better as baked french toast, so I'm going to try it that way before posting a recipe, but in the meantime, I'll email you what I did.
