Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy Hill-O-Ween!!

If you've been following along on my Marathon Mondays posts, you probably know that hills are not my friends. And while they've been a part of my training schedule almost from the beginning, in reality they have not been a part of my training much at all.

Sometimes, we all need a little extra motivation to conquer those hills!

So from me to you ...

Happy Hill-O-Ween!!

How do you stay motivated to incorporate hills into your training?

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  1. I used to say I hated hills, but now it's a fun way for me to vary my runs:) A little bit of hill work makes a huge difference! I also came to the conclusion that a flat half marathon course is torture! Way too boring;)

    1. When I'm on a treadmill, I LOVE switching up the incline and/or speed. I think my biggest problem with hill training is that I live in a pretty flat area, and I haven't found a great hill nearby to train on. :(

      You're so right on the flat half course. Boring! Well, unless it's in a really pretty area. :)

  2. holy hills that is scary!! I love hills but probably just because I so rarely get to run them now, they make me feel powerful!

    1. I don't really mind hills all that much. It's just I'm not that good at them (yet!), and training for them is just so easy to skip. O.o
