Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday's Tip #1 - Growing Your Instagram Audience

I meant to get this post written last night, but by 7:30, I was already exhausted! I was in bed by 8. :( Hope I'm not getting sick.

It's the first Tuesday of 2014, and one of my New Year's blogging goals is to share tips with you on Tuesdays, so here's...

Tuesday's Tip #1 - How to Grow Your Instagram Audience

Ok. So, maybe there's 4 tips included in today's post. :-)

If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that on Thanksgiving, I had 726 followers. I was hoping to get to 1,000 followers by Jan 1.

That didn't happen, but I am at over 950 now, and I thought I'd share with you how I grew my audience.

Tip #1 Follow those who like your posts.

With every new picture I shared, came likes. I'd scroll through the likes and follow everyone who like my post, if I wasn't already. I'd then scan through the new accounts and like any of their pictures that struck me.

Tip #2 Use hashtags.

Hashtags help other people who aren't already following you, find you! Simple as that. There are a few apps that can help you, if you don't know which hashtags to use. Next week I'll be sharing my favorite IG Apps, so be sure and stop back by if you want to know which apps I use for hashtags.

Tip #3 Cross post on your other social networks.

If you're on Facebook or Twitter or have a blog, be sure and share your IG posts on those other channels as well. If your other followers don't know you're on IG, how will they know to follow you? :) It's pretty easy to cross post directly from the IG app, and if you're on the IG website, you can get an embed code for your blog. Easy-peasy.

Tip #4 Invite new followers from your other social networks to find you on Instagram.

One of the things that really helped me was to welcome new Twitter followers and immediately direct them to my IG account. Something like: Thanks for following! Please check me out on Instagram, too. Be sure and include the URL to your IG account, so they can easily find you.

Pretty simple, right?! There are probably lots more ways, and some might even result in faster growth, but this is what has worked for me.

There are also apps that can help you monitor your followers. I'll get into those next week when I talk about the apps I love.

What other tricks have you used to increase your Instagram followers?

Twitter → @EnjoytheCourse
Instagram → enjoyingthecourse
Facebook → EnjoyingtheCourse
Google+ → Enjoying the Course
Pinterest → clarindad


  1. Good tips - very applicable to all social networks!

  2. Thanks for the tips! Growing my audience is definitely something I want to do this year!

  3. I've never even thought of putting a simple tweet to follow me on Instagram...thanks! I'm following you on IG as @runwithnoregrets!

    1. Glad you found it helpful. :) I'm already following you. :) :)

  4. Great tips!! I just went over 300 followers yesterday!! I do all of the above!! :)

  5. Great tips! Glad I recently found your blog :)

  6. Great tips!! These are super helpful!

    ~ Lora @ Crazy Running Girl

  7. I didn't know there is apps to help you with hashtags! I need help with those!
