Sunday, January 19, 2014

What's for Dinner? Week of 1/19

menu planning

Three weeks in a row. Whoooo..... :-)

After 2 weeks of meal planning, I've decided that only 2 nights of leftovers in a week is not enough. When I cook a dinner, it seems that we generally have enough to feed us for at least 2 full meals and maybe a lunch or two. Since there are only two of us, a regular recipe seems to go a long way.

So, I'm keeping it very simple this week.

Sunday - Leftovers

Monday - Enchiladas

Tuesday - Leftovers

Wednesday - Beef Kebabs

Thursday - Leftovers

Friday - Grilled Sandwiches

Saturday - TBD

I'm linking up with Laura over at Mommy Run Fast. Go check out what everyone else is cooking up this week.

Last week, I had potato soup on the menu, but no recipe to try, so I made up my own. You can check out the recipe here.

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  1. I have that same problem! It's just me and my boyfriend so I tend to either freeze stuff so they don't go to waste or choose recipes that have smaller servings. Freezing for later leftovers have been helpful.

    1. I think my plan is to fill up the freezer and then have a week of freezer meals. That will be the easier meal plan ever. lol.

  2. I added an extra leftover day too and we have 5 people in our family. :) Maybe I make too much food?? It's a good thing we like leftovers! Enchiladas sound yummy!

  3. We have phases like that too, and then weeks when we're eating all our dinner and have no leftovers! It's hard to get it just right. Your potato soup looks great!

    1. It's SO rare not to have leftovers here. Mostly, I'm too lazy to try to adjust the recipe to serve 2.

  4. That potato soup looks delicious! I'm excited to be in your tribe and get to know you! I love reading everyone's meal plans - it gets my wheels turning. I try to do a loose plan most weeks, but we never know if my husband will be home in time and that typically affects how I feel about making a big meal, but I do love having some sort of plan. I've checked out the link up a couple times before and maybe I'll get organized enough to link up someday! Can't wait to read some more - excited to meet you!

    1. Thanks, Kristin. Mine usually end up being a lot looser than intended. :)

  5. Looks good! I need to learn how to take advantage of leftovers :)

    1. Leftovers are the best! But they make it difficult to cook something new and delicious every night. :)

  6. Clarinda, I'm the queen of leftovers!! We rarely throw food away.

    1. Occasionally, we'll have leftovers go bad, but we try really hard not to throw away food away.
