Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What's for Dinner? Week of 3/24

My weekends days are really getting away from me! Here is it Tuesday morning already, and I'm just now getting around to writing my weekly workout review and menu post. Argh!

Sometimes, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day! Work has been so crazy that I'm kind of having a rough time keeping up with blogging and social media. Not that I used to do this much during work, but work + training for a half/Ragnar are really making it difficult for me to stay caught up with blogging and social media. Hopefully, I'll get my groove back soon-ish.

After such a stellar week of workouts the previous week, this one was a bit lackluster.

Monday - REST

Tuesday - 1.5 miles. 15:47; 10:42 avg pace. Took Sallie with me. I fully intended on getting in another run, but laundry was calling.

Wednesday - 3.25 miles. 30:00. Since I'd skipped running hills on Tues and Wed was a speed day, I combined the 2 into one treadmill workout. It was really tough, but fun!

Thursday - REST

Friday - REST

Saturday - 12 miles. 2:14:47; 11:32 avg pace. I took Sallie for 1.7 miles and then headed back out for a long run. I hadn't run the Strip in awhile, so that's what I did. I was surprised at how many runners were out on the Strip so late in the morning. I started my run around 8:45 AM. It was already pretty busy out there.

After my long run, I stretched and compressed for a few minutes before heading out to another #YelpFitClub class. This week was a pilates class called Bootylates. It was really good! Lots of little, intense movements!

Sunday - REST

Miles on last week's schedule: 35
Actual miles last week: 16.75

See what I mean? Not such a stellar week, but not a total failure either.

Total #FFMarchMiles: 68

I should still be able to get to 100 miles this month, IF I actually stick to my plan. :)

menu planning

We didn't order a Bountiful Basket this past weekend, so my fridge is a little bare. I did buy a few things at Whole Foods to help us get through the week, but with the craziness of the weekend, I didn't get a menu planned.

We still have a bag of potatoes that need to get used, so I imagine they will play a big role in this week's eats.

Instead of a menu plan, I thought I'd share two wins and a loss in the kitchen from last week.

First up - Kale and Butternut Squash Saute.

This was delicious! I cut up the squash before work, so it was ready to go for dinner when I got home. This recipe was super simple, too. I was worried about the cranberries, because Jeff doesn't tend to enjoy food when sweet and savory are mixed together. So while I loved this dish, he didn't hate it. And isn't that a win in itself? :) Seriously though, we both liked it, but thought it would definitely be better as a side dish rather than a main course. It wasn't quite filling enough, but would be perfect with, say, some chicken.

Next up, the loss... Creamy Butternut Squash Pasta.

This recipe was definitely lacking something. Not sure if it was the recipe or user error, but the sauce was extremely thick. I had to add probably 3x the amount of milk in the recipe + some leftover pasta sauce from the fridge. Even after all that, it was a little on the bland side. Booo. Guess I won't be making this again. :(

And finally, another win. Lemon Sage Chicken.

This chicken was amazing! Even Jeff agreed. :) It was pretty easy to make, too. I skipped the dry white wine and used extra broth instead. Definitely some of the best chicken I've made. I intentionally bought more chicken at Whole Foods over the weekend just to make this again this week. Yum!

I'm linking up with Laura over at Mommy Run Fast and Jill at Fitness, Health, & Happiness. Go check out what everyone else is cooking up this week.

Even though I didn't get a menu planned for the week, at least I did get 4 salads prepped for my lunches. I did this a few weeks ago, and it made the mornings go so much better! I'm happy to have finally taken the time to do it again this week.

What's your favorite chicken recipe?
Do you prep your lunches ahead of time or wait until the morning to throw something together?

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  1. I always just throw lunch together that morning. Fruits, veggies, and a sandwich.

  2. It was already pretty warm and sunny for the 12 miler. Not too bad. I think it was in the 70s.
