Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April in Review

Before I check in with my 2014 goals, here are a few highlights from April. We crammed a whole lot of fun into one month. :)

We started the month out by attending our neighbor's wedding at the Aria. We were the only two guests, but it was a blast!

The Aria | Sushi Kaya

I attended a group run to kick off the Rock 'n Roll Marathon in Nov. #LVKickOffNight

Jeff and I got a somewhat disappointing couple's massage.

We volunteered at GreenFEST.

I ran the Mustang 50th half marathon and met up with some fun Twitter friends.

Mustang 50th Half Marathon

I ran 2/3 of Ragnar Trail Zion before it got canceled due to the weather. I still need to write a recap, but it was a blast hanging out with the team - especially since we happened to have a cabin. :) We've all decided to redeem ourselves next year. :) I can't wait!

Ragnar Trail Zion, Zion Ponderosa Ranch

On the way home, George, Rochelle, and I stopped a few places in Zion National Park and had some fun stopping at Fort Zion Trading Post.

Zion National Park | Fort Zion Trading Post

Like I said, April was a ton of fun! And you know what they say about time when you're having fun! IT REALLY FLIES! I can hardly believe that tomorrow is already May! Lots more fun to come in May, too. :)

Ok. Time to check in with the old 2014 goals.

Individual Goals

Fitness goals - Run Faster and Train Harder
I got a 5K PR back on April 2nd during the #LVKickoffNight group run. It was exhilarating!! Whoo hoo!! It still wasn't the best month of training, and I need to refocus in May on cross training and doing more strength training instead of focusing only on running.

Blogging goals
I think I did OK blogging in April.

Goals with Jeff

Run a Triathlon. We almost decided on a Triathlon to do! We are seriously considering the Solana Beach Triathlon. I was *this close* to registering us last night, but nowhere on the website did it list the distances or indicate it was a sprint tri. We need to start small with this, so we need to confirm the distances before we bite the bullet and register.

Read 3 books together. Still haven't started on this one yet.

New in 2014. We got a couple's massage!

New in 2014 | Enjoying the Course

Enriching Activities. We marked off a couple activities, actually! We volunteered and tried a new restaurant. :)

2014 Enriching Activities | Enjoying the Course

How much fun did you have in April?

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  1. TOo bad ragner got canceled =(

    Thats a cute dress!

  2. Fun recap! You did do a lot. Sorry your Ragnar got partially cancelled.

    1. Thanks! It's a bummer it got cancelled, but safety first. :-)

  3. So bummed that the Ragnar race got called off! I was excited to hear how you and George did! Oh well, maybe next year!

    1. I'm just happy I got to run two legs. All before the bad weather really started. #lucky

  4. Love that dress!! You look adorable!
    Looks like you had a fun month. Can't wait to read about your partial Ragnar!
