Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ultimate Coffee Date - January 2017

Happy January and thanks for stopping by for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2017!

We are a full week into the new year. Hope it's going well for you.

I was going to resurrect videos for the Ultimate Coffee Date in 2017, but YouTube is not cooperating and I'm tired of waiting for my video to upload before I can do a little editing!

Perhaps I'll try the video thing again next month.

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you I stayed up way to late last night and woke up way too early this morning! It might have been the venti Starbucks I had after work last night. 😉 It was the first coffee I had all week. I'm still getting over this stupid cold and coffee just hasn't sounded good to me. Just been infused water and tea this past week.

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you how slow this first week of January went at work. It was like time stood still WHILE being super busy at the same time. It was such a weird phenomenon!

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you that I haven't done much with my 2017 goals yet (read them here), but the month is still young, right?! We still need to decide on a trail to conquer in January and a night for our Current Events. I'd also tell you that I'll be baking cookies this afternoon with a surprise ingredient from my cupboard for the first week of Clean it Out, Use it Up. #CIOUIP. Stay tuned to my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for updates, or come up tomorrow for my Week in Review post to see the finished result.

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you that I'm kinda glad the #RWRunStreak is over and share my recap with you. I love doing the Runner's World Run Streaks in the summer and winter, but I've definitely enjoyed my rest days this week. I'm still doing my Nike+ training program, so I didn't really take a break after the streak - just enjoyed the rest days on my schedule.

If we were having coffee today, I'd tell you that I got a StrideBox the other day! Sarah reached out to me at the end of December offering to send me a box. Yes, please! I'm excited to try everything in it. Come back next week for a full review!

Lastly, if we were having coffee today, I'd ask you how your holidays went. I've mentioned before that we don't really celebrate, but I did convince Jeff to drive up to the mountains on Christmas Eve to play in some snow. We had such a great time! We took quite a few videos, but I never ended up editing them all together. Maybe this weekend...? I hope we make it back up there again this weekend. We need to find a place to rent some snowshoes!

That's it for this month!

When you're sick, do you prefer coffee, tea, water, or something else?
Ever been snowshoeing?

Be sure to head over to Got 2 Run 4 Me or Confessions of a Mother Runner and catch up with everyone else!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a fabulous January!

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  1. I haven't tried snowshoeing but I love XC skiing! I've been once this winter. All our snow melted and we haven't gotten any since.

    I hope you are feeling better!

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I'm starting to feel much better.

      I hated the XC skiing unit in junior high gym class, but I think it probably had more to do with the cold than anything else.

  2. I do lots & lots & lots of tea when I'm sick. But I'm not a coffee drinker.

    Who wouldn't say yes to a free running-related box? I'm mean, really?

    I say it again & again: not a streaker. I'm pretty self motivated and I don't feel the need to run every day (and my body doesn't really like it).

    1. I'd say I'm pretty self-motivated as well, but streaks are just a fun little diversion for me, but I know they aren't for everyone.

      I think it's weird that I switch from coffee to tea when I'm sick, but maybe that's normal. :)

  3. I fell in love with snow shoeing last year! It was so much fun. We are getting snow today but don't think it's enough to snow shoe. Thanks for joining the coffee date today!

    1. I want to say we've mildly talked about it for a couple years, but haven't ever tried it. We want to find a place to rent to see if we like it at all.

  4. I've always wanted to do a #RWRunStreak but my schedule doesn't always work with them. Maybe one day...

    1. I get that! I've had to skip some in the past because if I'm training for a race, I need some rest days. Luckily, I didn't run many races this past year, so it worked out nicely.

  5. I would so love to try snowshoeing! Heck, I'd like to try XC skiing as well. I have tried downhill skiing Vermont...and worked muscles I never knew I had! I'm a little too old to try the downhill thing again...but the snowshoeing sounds wonderful.

    I'm anxious to read your review of the stridebox...I've been intrigued by it.

    I really do want to do the RW run streak but always find out about it too late. When exactly do they start? Maybe I can catch the next one!

    1. I went on a downhill ski trip in the 4th grade (in MN) and pretty much stayed in the lodge the entire day. The bunny hill was too much for me, and it just never appealed to me again.

      Snowshoeing sounds much more fun and up my alley. :)

      The RWRunStreaks go from Memorial Day to the 4th of July and then from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. I usually put them on my calendar, so I don't forget. ;-)

  6. I am not a tea drinker, but when I'm under the weather I do crave tea - or a chai tea latte. Glad you are starting to feel better. I've never been motivated to do a runstreak. If I'm going to go through the process of getting my running clothes on and getting sweaty, I'd want to run more than a mile, but I can't do that every day without risking injury!

    1. I totally get that! Some days, it definitely felt like a LOT of effort for 10-20-min. I mean, it takes me longer than that to get out the door!

      I'm feeling so much better! I even made some coffee today. :-)

  7. I might have to look into the Stride Box (I'm such a sucker for subscription boxes!)

    I've never been snowshoeing, but I'd love to give it a try!

    1. I'll post a review of my StrideBox next week, but I'm really impressed with it! If you enjoy subscription boxes, I think you'd really enjoy this one.

  8. I drink tea all the time, especially when it is colder out and when I'm under the weather. I need to jump on the #CIOUIP

    1. Do it! :) I'm really looking forward to finding creative ways to use up stuff in my cupboards.
