Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January Report Card

Happy final day of January! This month really flew by! I can't believe we are already a full month into 2017.

Today's topic for Tuesdays on the Run is Give your running month a letter grade. Using that as inspiration, I decided to do a monthly report card to check in on my 2017 Goals.

January Report Card

General Running/Training (25%): A-

I don't think I skipped any runs this month. I finished a Nike+ Running program and then moved into Ultra Training. While I feel like I did really good on most of my runs, there were a couple that I could have pushed a little harder and I think I skipped at least one strength workout (hence the minus).

Run at least 600 Miles (20%): A-

This goal breaks down to about 50 miles a month. I fell just shy of this with only 49.19 miles. What the what?! How did I miss 50 miles by such a marginal amount? I'm sure I'll easily make this deficit up during ultra training, so it's too early in the year to worry about it.

Be More Active in the Local Running Community (20%): D

While I didn't go on any group runs or do any volunteering, I did participate in a couple discussions in a local Facebook group. It's not much, but it's enough to save me from a full on F with this goal. 😉

{optional} Hike the Grand Canyon R2R2R (5%): B+

In order to prepare for this goal, I decided to tackle a 55k. I'm giving myself a B+ for this goal because I should have started preparing at least a couple of weeks earlier.

Clean It Out, Use It Up (10%): A

I didn't miss a single week! And I discovered some delicious new recipes.

12 Trails of 2017 (10%): A

We waited until the last weekend of the month, but we found a new trail!

Twelve Trails of 2017 - January

Current Events Night (10%): A

Again, we waited until the final week, but we did set aside one night this month to talk about current events.  Our conversation started with some of Trump's executive orders moved to the fate of the Affordable Care Act (as we see it) and finished with the Women's March.

Jeff found this response to a social media post that was floating around after the march. I'll admit that I'm pretty apathetic about politics and social issues. I didn't march. I didn't even realize there was a march until it was already happening. I probably would have agreed (to a degree) to the posts on social media that she's responding to.

But after reading this response... Wow! I really want to become more involved!! You should really read the whole response, but here are the 2 biggest things that were real OMG realizations to me.
  1. [Women] still have to pay taxes for [their] basic sanitary needs. I don't think it ever occurred to me before that I had to pay taxes for such items, but now that I know, C'mon! Seriously?!
  2. The United States ranks at 45 for women’s equality. Behind Rwanda, Cuba, Philippines, Jamaica. Seriously?! Behind Rwanda? RWANDA?!? OMG!
I'll stop there. It just gets me all fired up. Now to actually become more active about it - instead of letting others do all the work.

Final Grade for January: B+

That one D really hurt me this month. So, now I know where my weakness lies. Or maybe I knew that already. LOL.

How was your January?
Still on track with your 2017 goals?

Be sure to pop over to our hosts MarciaPatty, and Erika to see how everyone else fared this month.

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  1. All in all a really solid month! I need to start doing the monthly report cards... i love that idea. As for getting active, this is the first time in my life that I feel really compelled to do something... I'm starting with some small actions, calling my local representatives, etc... but it feels good!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I'm glad to have started the year out so well. :-)

      I need to get more active politically and socially as well. So far, I'm only doing the current events nights, which really are just to help me even start thinking about things. Next step is definitely to start doing things.

  2. I mailed the women's march postcard to Colorado's R senator. I'm not into politics at all, but I'm also not one to let people run my life. That's when the Texas comes out - "Oh hell no!"

  3. You had a great month of running even with that one D grade. Nice job! I like that you have a current events night, really great idea...and so much to discuss this days right?

    1. Yep! It should be an interesting year for current events. :-)

  4. Overall a solid month Clarinda! January was a toughie for me. I think the political climate and our grey weather wore on lots of us. We're going to make this "grading" thing a regular feature on the linkup!

  5. Great job on the fabulous grades.
    I too struggle in getting more active in the local running community.
    It is hard when we all run different distances, paces, and at different times of day.

    1. Thanks, Abby! All those things make it difficult to be active in the local running community. I also have the added struggle of living right in the middle of the city while most of the local runners seem to run in the suburbs/outskirts of town.
