Friday, January 3, 2014

Fitness Friday 1/3

As I mentioned in my New Year's post, I'm going to start participating in Fitness Friday with Jill Conyers.

Fitness Friday

Since it's still so close to the New Year, and I'm just finding my new blogging groove, I don't really have too much to say this morning.

So, I'll just share this pic I found on Pinterest the other day. What a great thing to keep in mind as we enter the new year and all year long!

Happiness is Found When You Stop Comparing

Here's my weekly recap, starting on the 1st.

Jan 1st

Jan 2nd
  • #sunmoonchallenge
  • Arms and Abs 

Jan 3rd
  • #sunmoonchallenge
  • 3 mile run

The arm workout I did yesterday was TOUGH! I was so sore immediately afterward that washing my hair was ooh! so rough!! The soreness subsided for most of the day yesterday, but it's back with a vengeance this morning - especially my elbows. :)

Today's 3 mile run was AWESOME! It was SO COLD 41°F that I ran my fastest pace in a LONG while. I just wanted to get out of the cold. Ha! But it felt good running at that pace. I didn't feel like I was dying. At all. No, I felt like a gazelle.

gazelle running

How's your New Year starting out?
On your best runs, which animal do you identify with? I always like to imagine I have the grace and speed of a gazelle. Not sure why.

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  1. Welcome to Fitness Friday! You're off to a great start this year! Love the quote.

    1. Thanks, Jill! I hope to be a solid participant this year. :)

  2. Love that quote! Well I'm still waiting for this two week cold to release its hold on my lungs so that I can exercise again. I've been reduced to just long easy walks. Even the extra breathing I do with squats sent me into a coughing fit. But I've got big plans and it seems like this thing is finally turning the corner! I'm ready :)

    1. Ooh! Sorry you've been battling a nasty cold. Hope it turns the corner SOON!

  3. Thanks for the arms and abs link. Sounds like they're good ones!

    1. Two days later, my arms are still KILLING me! I'm talking wake-up-me-in-the-middle-of-the-night sore. :( But it makes me feel like my muscles are already growing and getting stronger from ONE day! :)

  4. Such an awesome quote! I am not having a great start to the New Year, but it can only get better from here! :)

    ~ Lora @ Crazy Running Girl

    1. Hi Lora! Sorry you're not having a great start, but you're right. It can (and will) only get better!! :)
