Saturday, June 1, 2013

Working It Recap:: May 24-31 + June Goals

Happy June, everyone!! 

I'm super excited to write this post, because I successfully completed the ENTIRE Sexy for Summer challenge! I'm pretty sure that's never happened before. I usually get distracted somehow or start making excuses, and for whatever reason, I end up quitting before the end of the challenge. But not this time!! Whoo hoo!!

I'm also super excited because I ran a sub-8:00 mile! I doubt I'd have been able to maintain that pace very much longer, but it felt so great to break that huge little barrier.

Unfortunately, the frowny faces made a strong appearance this final week of May. My legs were so tired from all those squats, that I just couldn't bring myself to bike to work. Now that my squat challenge is over, I hope to get back on the saddle on Monday.

Here's the final breakdown for May.

DateCardioSexy for SummerStrength TrainingCommute
155 squats
50 lunges
(3) 60 sec plank
145 squats
90 sec plank
9.6 Mile Bike Ride to pick-up
our Bountiful Basket
6.64 Mile Run165 squats
95 sec plank
1 Mile Run175 squats
100 sec plank
1 Mile Run185 squats
110 sec plank
3 Mile Run190 squats
115 sec plank
1 Mile Run
200 squats
120 sec plank

In other news, last Monday, I joined the Runner's World  Summer Run Streak Challenge. Basically run at least one mile every day from Memorial Day to Independence Day. I've made it 5 whole days so far. I hope to keep the streak alive! I've actually never streaked before, so please wish me luck!

So, as a recap of May, it was much better than April. :-)

Obviously, I successfully completed my Sexy for Summer challenge. I also did much better with my eating. We started participating with Bountiful Baskets, which has been quite helpful.

As for the running and biking, I feel like I did better in May, but there were definitely still some weeks where it was quite hit or miss. C'est la vie.

And for a couple goals for June...

1. Of course, I hope to continue streaking. ;-)

2. I'm going to try a push-up challenge. I'm opting for the beginner track to try to focus on doing them with proper form AND not on my knees.

3. ENJOY THE SUMMER! Spend time every weekend outside on the patio or at the pool.

How was your May? What are your goals for June?
Anything exciting planned for the summer?

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  1. Congrats on completing the challenge and on your under eight! That's exciting!
