Wednesday, November 6, 2013

There's an APP for that!

Did you miss me yesterday? Ha! :)

I ran out of time and didn't get a post up. I've got to start planning better if I'm going to be successful the rest of #Blogember. Good thing I'm taking a rest day today, so maybe I'll get a couple other posts scheduled.

November 6: 5 favorite apps

This is a hard one. I'm not really an APP girl. I mostly just use my phone for email and social media. Let's see if I can come up with 5.

CharityMiles. This is an awesome app for runners, walkers, or cyclists. You just start the app when you start your journey, choose a charity, and get out there! For every mile you go, money gets donated to the charity of your choice. Win-win!!

HIIT interval. This has become my lifesaver on long runs. I set the intervals for 10 min of work and 1 min of rest, and I'm off! It will also come in handy for after the marathon when I get back to doing other workouts beside primarily running.

PhotoGrid. This is my favorite app for making collages for Instagram. I ♥ Instagram!

FitFluential. I don't use this one as often as I'd like, but it's a great app for all things FitFluential. You can easily share their posts from all their social media channels.

FedEx Mobile. If you get a lot of random packages (or a few), this is a great app. It alerts you whenever a shipment is headed your way, and makes tracking those packages super easy! Way more user friendly than the one offered by UPS.

That's really all I've got.

What am I missing out on? What are your favorite apps?

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  1. It may sound funny but i just downloaded an app for my monthly visitors(periods).
    I also love my fitness pal app.
    And another fav is nike running app.
    Thanks for sharing your fav apps :)

  2. I like Map My Run to keep track of my miles. I have the HIIT interval app, but have never used it. Must try that!

  3. Couldn't really get used to Map My Run. Not sure why...
